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"why would he do that to me?" harry sobbed into ethan's chest, face buried as it had been for the past hour, wetting his best friends shirt. 

"i don't know," ethan hummed out, rubbing soft circles onto his back, letting the pain of the younger transfer onto him.

"i don't get it," he wept bitterly, and ethan didn't know what to say, because he didn't get it either. how somebody could dump harry, funny, beautiful harry, over text was so far beyond him. especially after two years of sickeningly sweet dates, inside jokes, and, according to harry 'fucking incredible' sex. he remembered an hour before, when harry had phoned him in hysterics, sobbing nonsensically down the phone for a while until ethan finally got it out of him. 

'harry, what's going on? are you okay?' he had asked desperately 

'it was a text, eth,' he repeated thickly, voice hoarse from crying 

'bog, seriously, what's happening?' 

'he broke up with me, and it was only three fucking lines,' 

he had sped over to harry and the cal's shared flat, lux letting him in with a tense smile and nod towards harry room, where the younger was sobbing, and showing no signs of slowing down.  he had taken harrys phone, after asking permission, unlocked it with the password (which was literally ethans birthday), and opened harry and sams texts. he ignored the ones from the day before, which looked suspiciously liked sexting, and however close he was with harry, he did not want to be that close, and read through the most recent message from sam. 

harry, im really sorry but i just don't think things are working with us anymore. i love u still but i dont love us, its not u i promise. im really sorry babe, pls dont be upset xxx 

"he came over last night, eth," harry suddenly said, sitting up straighter, wiping his eyes and hiccuping before continuing. "we had sex, yeah? we had fucking breakup sex, and i didn't even know," 

ethan wasn't surprised at harry's lack of embarassment at the topic, despite him usually being quite awkward, he was long past that stage with ethan, had been ever since that one night in germany that he didn't really want to relive. 

"that's not fair, boggy," ethan told him, and harry snorted. it seemed he was past the crying stage now, and was rather more pissed off than anything (ethan knew that tonight would end up with both of them blindingly drunk in harry's bedroom, as it did everytime one of them had a breakup, especially one as bad as this) 

harry picked up his phone, and read over the message again, laughing bitterly. "he's so fucking stupid, it's so fucking stupid," 

"he even pulled the it's not you, it's me card" ethan laughed with harry, trying to lift the spirits, or atleast get harry further out of the hysterical phase. he was met with a laugh from the younger, who then chucked his phone across the room, possible smashing it, but he didn't seem to care.

"he's such a dick," harry spat, glaring at the phone on the floor, as if it had personally offended him. 

"he is," ethan sympathised. 

"who does he think he is?" 

"i don't know, a cunt?" 

harry laughed again, and wiped his face one more time. "sainsbury's?" he asked simply, in reality asking ethan to accompany him and buy a shit load of sixpacks, and then come back and get completely shitfaced, as he had expected. 

"course," he agreed.

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