til death do us part

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dear diary,
This is such a beatiful morning the birds are chirping, the sun is shinning, and everything is so peaceful for my special day.i wake up next to him hes still sleeping and he loks so sexy while hes doing it. and just think theres only a 6 more hours until we get married. we cant traditonaly get married im only 17 and my parent would never let me marry a 35 year old man. Ive always had a thing for older guys i dont know why i just do.
4 hours later...
dear diary,
only 2 ore hours until we are offically married and i cant wait. i have to admit im a littke nervous but if you feel the way that i feel nothing can stop me from getting married to him.love is the strongest and the most weakest love can over power you and make you do things that uou wouldnt nornally do. i would do anything for him and i do mean anything!
Time for the wedding..
this is it this is finally it.. today i become mrs.adams.
preacher: do you kejaun adams take chanel martinez to be your loftletly wedded wife to have, and to hold through sickness, and health until death do us apart.
kejauns "friend": kejaun listen to me you cant married this this piece of trash..
you remeber that special night we had a couple nights ago. you cant marry her i love you.
chanel: look bitch you got about 2 ecs to walk your bony ass ojt of here or the only other way your going to leave is on wheels casue so help me God ill put your ass in the hospital.
Kejuans "friends": yeah bitch i love to see you try!
kejuans friend walks over to chanel and grabs her neck and throws her ob the ground then chanel bangs kejauns friend head off the vround and knee her in the face they fight for about 5 mins until the unthinkable happens......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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