Chapter 2 : Alyssa keeps trying to find her admirer

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        Alyssa is working really hard to find her admirer, to see if it's heather. She never gave up, because she likes Alyssa a lot. 

        Alyssa went on her computer and searched about signs of a crush to see the possibility of the admirer being heather. She tries so hard to find the signs of her crush liking her back, but couldn't find anything she's looking for. But still, she is not giving up. 

        30 minutes later, she finally learns something. She learnt that gazing, stuttering, or trying to touch you gently can be a sign of a crush. She has noticed that heather sometimes gaze at her or stutter around her. She thinks it might be heather, but she also noticed the boys also do similar things, so she is confused.

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