Chapter 19

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After learning about some other subjects in class (which I took as tips for my "hobbies"), it was finally time for lunch. They had not arrived yet so I decided to wait behind a wall until they arrived.

I saw my dear senpai walk up with that girl and my gut knotted seeing that perfect look on her face. Alas i had to put up was it until I she would finally leave him alone. I  was starting to feel bad that I'd have to hurt my senpai in the process,but I knew it would all be worth it when he became mine. They sat down and

"Ryoba?" A voice said immediately bringing me out of my trance.

I turn around as quick as I could to see Ichirou standing there. No what is he doing here! This is isn't a part of my plan, I need to distract him so he doesn't notice I was watching kaguya and senpai.
"Yes?" I ask trying to be as calm as possible
"Did you have anything to do with the thing in my bag?" He asked.
"What thing"
Ichirou leant closer to whisper in my ear "the uh rat poison"
My face turned pale and just as he said that senpai ran away to throw up.
"Rat poison? I don't know anything about rat poison" I lied, I had to.
"If you say so"
"Why on earth would you ever suspect me?" I asked genuinely curious
"I have my suspicions about you Ryoba,"
He said before walking away
How would her even think that now

Hi everyone sorry for the wait, I've been really busy with school . Hope you understand. Also I found out about the discusting things yandere dev did and got away with so It kind of put me off and I'm not even sure if I wanna continue this book. Just comment if you do but I'm not sure anymore

Change of plans (Ryoba x Mr saikou)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora