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TW: Dissaya Siridechawat and Ming Jindapat

The happy atmosphere was replaced the moment Dissaya and Praew walked into the hall.

Pran's stomach dropped and his fingers stopped strumming the guitar, voice lost, his mind had gone blank the second he saw his parents walk in with dissapointment and anger written on their faces.

This is everything that Pran has feared. He had been a bad son. He took up on guitar, when his mom told him loud and clear not to waste his time on such ridiculous hobbies. They do not help his academic performance whatsoever.

Pran knows everything about the family feud, yet he still dared to get friendly with the enemy. Get friendly with Pat. He can only pray no one had picked up on what the lyrics of the song actually mean, and more important who they're meant for. Why had he thought that this was a good idea? Maybe it was Pat's challenging eyes, or maybe he wanted to explore and involve music and other kinds of preformances in his life.

He had done multiple presentations, even public speaches that were all graded or somehow were going to be mentioned in his academic resume. Despite being successful and happy with satisfying his parents, music is the only thing he actually enjoyed – unfortunately the only thing that was strictly prohibited by his mother along with talking with the kid next door. Therefore in Dissaya's eyes, her son had just commited two crimes of indicency, titling him as the worst son in the world.

The betrayal his mother must feel, Pran should be ashamed of himself – and he is. He hurriedly took off his guitar and left it on the floor, not even caring that it might've damaged with the force, long forgotten. Pran left in defeat and fear, his mother's firm look made him feel so small in front of her despite being taller.

Pran didn't dare gaze into the fierce brown eyes that must hold the same emotions, the same fear of thinking what his own parents are going to say to this. He never should have looked at those eyes a different way, he shouldn't have seen a friend in them, and he definitely should not have let himself get bewitched and unguarded.

With tears building at the back of his eyes, he ignored the appalled looks of everyone in the crowd and left without looking back.

Pat could only watch. Despite wanting to reach out a hand and comfort Pran he had to only watch because there is nothing he could've done. Reaching out to Pran would only make everything worse and that is what nobody needs right now. He also has his own parents to deal with when he gets back home.

But Pat is very worried, more for Pran than himself. Pran may be an overthinker but he knows his mother and he knows to what lenghts she will go. Pran has feared she will send him away, and Pat's heart squeezes uncomfortably just by the thought.

Pat had finally befriended him, Pran had willingly let him in his heart, Pat made a new relationship – one that doesn't include fighting and always being against each other. If this had happened three months ago, maybe he wouldn't mind having to finally leave in piece and not compete with Pran.

But now he could not imagine a Pranless life. It just doesn't sit right with him, nor does it sound right if he says it out loud. For the first time in his life, Pat is terrified of the possibility that Pran may leave him.

Since the contest was abruptly stopped, the band mates gathered into the music room to store the instruments where they belong.

"Well this sucks, we didn't even get to show off after our preformance." Sky said, dejected.

"What even happened? Why did Pran just leave?" June asked puzzled.

The rest of the band mates shrugged. Sky looked at Pat who was wiping the drum sticks.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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