3rd Person POV:
Wendy stood at her locker, her shoulders tense as classmates were loudly talking through the halls.
"Wendy, hey, have you heard from Will?" Dustin approached her.
"No, I thought he was at Mike's with you guys," Wendy said.
"Oh, well, he didn't come to school today," Dustin said.
"I'm sure he's okay. Maybe he got sick, or something," Wendy shrugged. "How was the campaign last night?"
"Will lost to the Demogorgan," Dustin sighed. "So we'll have to try again sometime. Hopefully, you can come too."
"Hopefully. My parents grounded me for 'having an attitude'," Wendy quoted.
"Attitude? You?" Dustin asked in shock then he laughed. "I can't imagine you actually having an attitude unless someone messes with your things."
Wendy laughed and then the bell rang, making her jump at the noise.
"How's your project going?" Dustin asked as he held out the eraser end of his pencil.
"It's practically done, I just have to make sure the moss dried properly," Wendy grabbed the pencil and easily followed Dustin through the crowded hallways. She blinked and looked at the pencil in their hands. "Is this a new pencil?"
"Yes, how'd you know?" Dustin asked as they made it to their science class.
"The eraser feels new," Wendy said and let go of the pencil to sit in her seat.
"It's so cool how you just know that!" Dustin said.
"Know what?" Mike asked as he and Lucas sat in their seats.
"Wendy managed to figure out this was a new pencil because of the eraser," Dustin said while holding up the pencil.
"The pencil isn't even sharpened, it could have been any other pencil you guys use," Lucas pointed out.
"I usually use this one," Dustin held up an old, unsharpened pencil. "It had all these dents in it and the eraser is slightly used."
"Your sense of touch is weird," Mike narrowed his eyes at Wendy. "You hate being touched, yet you know when something feels new."
Wendy only shrugged and perked up when Mr. Clarke entered the room.
"Excuse me, is Wendy Harrington in here?" The principal entered the 7th-grade history class. Wendy's heart started thumping wildly in her chest, was she in trouble?
"Wendy, honey, if you could just come with me for a moment," The principal noticed her. "You can bring your stuff."
"Uh-oh, the dweeb is in trouble," A classmate snickered to her friends.
Wendy collected her things and followed the principal out of the classroom.
"Am I in trouble?" Wendy asked.
"No, I have Sheriff Hopper here needing to ask you a few questions," The principal said, opening the office door and motioning to Wendy to go inside.
Wendy went in and sat down in a chair in front of Sheriff Hopper.
"What's going on?" Wendy asked, hugging her backpack to her chest.
"According to Joyce Byers, you are friends with Will Byers, correct?" Hopper asked. Wendy nodded. "Joyce came to me and said that Will didn't come home last night, did you happen to see him last night?"
"No, my parents wouldn't let me go to Mike's house last night, so I had to stay home," Wendy answered. "I noticed he wasn't here today, I just thought he could've been sick or something.."
"Okay, well, he rides his bike home and it seems you two could share the same route, do you know anything around that area he could be?" Hopper asked.
"I know sometimes he takes Mirkwood," Wendy said.
"Mirkwood, that's where Cornwallis and Kerly meet, right?" Hopper confirmed, making Wendy nod.
"Yeah, sometimes I would bike with Will through there if I wanted to make sure he got home okay," Wendy said. "It goes past Hawkins Laboratory."
"Okay," Hopper nodded, making a small note of that in his head.
"That place gives me the creeps," Wendy mumbled. She perked up in her seat. "You don't think anything bad happened to him, right?"
"No, I'm sure he's okay," Hopper said, hoping to ease the young girl. He dug out a card from his pocket and gave it to her. "If you know anything, don't be afraid to call me."
"Okay," Wendy nodded and the principal motioned for her towards the door just as the bell rang, meaning recess.
Wendy left the office with her stuff and put the card in her pocket. She made her way out of the school to the usual party meeting spot by the fences.
"Oh, there she is," Lucas noticed her first.
"Did you talk to the cops too? About Will?" Mike questioned her.
"Yeah, but I don't think I told them anything useful," Wendy shrugged, adjusting her backpack strap. "He gave me a card to call him if I know anything more."
"I heard they're gonna do a search party in the woods by his house after school, in case he got lost," Dustin informed.
"Should we join?" Wendy asked.
"There's no way our parents would let us," Lucas pointed out.
"That's why we go at night," Mike planned. "We all say you guys are staying over for the night and then we go and find Will."
"I'm grounded," Wendy deflated.
"For what?!" Lucas asked in shock.
"You never get grounded!" Mike was equally shocked.
"Apparently, she was giving 'attitude' because she couldn't come to your house last night," Dustin said.
"How is that even possible?!" Lucas asked, throwing his arms in the air.
"Can't you sneak out?" Mike asked. Wendy shrugged. "Do you even know how to sneak out?!"
"That's more Steve's thing," Wendy said. "And I don't like asking him for help or he'll be even more annoying."
"Well, figure something out, and then meet us at Mirkwood, okay?" Mike said, making Wendy nod firmly.
"Isn't it supposed to rain tonight?" Dustin asked.
"Bring raincoats," Lucas said.
"I'll bring my umbrella," Wendy mumbled to herself.
"Okay, fine, but we all meet up at Mirkwood around 7, okay?" Mike asked, the other three confirming.
Wendy stood in front of Steve's closed door, wringing her hands together. She just found out their parents will be gone for a while, so this is the perfect chance to go to Mike's and find Will. But all she will tell Steve is that she's going to Mike's to play D&D.
"I know you're there, dweeb. What do you want?" Steve asked from the other side of the door.
Wendy took a deep breath and opened the door, not entering the room but just standing at the door frame.
"Whatever you want to say, make it quick, I'm going to Nancy's," Steve said, combing his hands through his hair.
"I am going to Mike's house," Wendy finally said.
"You're grounded," Steve reminded.
"Mom and dad aren't here," Wendy pointed out.
"I'm not risking getting in trouble with mom and dad because you decide you want to be rebellious," Steve scoffed, approaching her while putting on his jacket. "Forget it."
"You sneak out all the time when you get grounded!" Wendy started getting frustrated. "C-Can't you just give me a ride? I won't bother you or Nancy, I'll be in the basement the whole time!"
"I said 'forget it', you're staying home," Steve rolled his eyes, pushing her out his way by her shoulder and walking down the hallway.
Wendy let out a frustrated noise that sounded like a groan and a scream at the touch, following Steve down the stairs.
"I never ask you for anything-"
"Yeah, and I like it that way," Steve said while getting his car keys. "Work on that project of yours or something."
Steve slammed the front door behind him after he left the house. Wendy angrily stomped back up the stairs and to her room. She angrily put on her raincoat and boots and grabbed a flashlight. She went back downstairs and quickly grabbed her umbrella and left the house. She got on her bike and started biking as fast as she could to Mirkwood. It was raining pretty hard as soon as she got there with the rest of the boys.
"How did you sneak out?" Dustin asked over the rain.
"Is it considered sneaking out when my brother told me not to leave the house after he left to see Nancy at Mike's house?" Wendy asked while opening her umbrella and turning on her flashlight.
"I think so," Dustin shrugged.
"Whatever! You're here now, so let's go find Will, alright?" Mike called for their attention. "Let's go!"
The four of them entered the woods, shouting over the rain to call for their lost friend.
"Wendy, why did you bring your umbrella?" Lucas asked, looking at Wendy's umbrella.
"It's useful!" Wendy said.
"Guys.." Dustin groaned.
"Well, why didn't you bring some for the rest of us?" Lucas asked.
"You didn't say you wanted one!" Wendy exclaimed.
"Lucas, you know how literal she takes things," Dustin reminded.
"Not my fault she can't take a hint that I was being sarcastic," Lucas rolled his eyes.
"It's not her fault either," Dustin said.
"Can you guys focus for like two seconds, please!?" Mike asked.
A branch snapping over the sound of the rain caught all four of their attention.
"What was that?" Dustin asked.
"A branch-"
"Wendy!" Mike groaned, making Wendy slouch a bit.
"Right..yeah..sorry," Wendy murmured. "Not literally..right.."
Another branch snapped, the four of them turned to the area and saw a girl with a shaved head and an oversized yellow shirt standing barefoot in the rain. Wendy furrowed her brows in confusion.
"...who's that?"
I wonder who that could be 👀
You know what, I'm probably gonna post my completed chapters all at once after I, kinda, edit them. So far, I completed the season 1 era so I'm just gonna post those. I'm still working on season 2 era, so hopefully I push those out for you guys!
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