chapter 15

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"You know how irresponsible this was? I am so disappointed in you, Soobin. And you too Yeonjun. I thought you'd be smarter than this. Getting wasted on so much alcohol? What if you drank too much and got poisoned? Do you even know what are you putting me through right now? I should contact your mom, Yeonjun, and talk with her," Soobin's dad kept nagging the two teenagers. Yeonjun was looking down, while Soobin stole side glances at him. "And now what."

"Dad, I'm sorry. We were just curious," Soobin lied. "We figured it would be the best to try drinking somewhere safe, like home instead of getting wasted in a club, or public." He tried to reason with his father, who gradually calmed his emotions. "Can you not contact Auntie?"

"Please, don't tell my mom, I don't want to worry her. You can punish us, I will gladly help around the house," Yeonjun almost begged him, and the old man gave in. He nodded his head. Soobin on the other hand, nudged Yeonjun's arm when he mentioned a punishment.

"I guess, the lawn has to be cut, bathrooms have to be deep cleaned, the grocery list is on the fridge, I also am a bit lazy to do the cooking today and there are few boxes in the attic I still haven't unpacked," he stopped naming the chores and looked at the frightened faces. He laughed. "Kidding. Just do the lawn and bathrooms. I'll prepare you some hangover soup, deal?"

"Yes!" They both exclaimed half glad and half dead from the pain coming from their heads.

 Soobin's father left his son's bedroom, and a deep sigh followed him. The two of them were sitting on a bed, still in their sleep attire, their hair and faces were in a complete mess. They looked at each other slowly. Yeonjun was the first one to let out a chuckle, his best friend punched his arm, and then giggled too. They both spent a few more seconds laughing quietly at the situation.

"So is Bumjune case closed forever?" Soobin asked trying to change the topic.

"Well, he owes me some explanation still. But I don't want to forgive him or go back to being just friends, you know. I think my feelings are over after what happened," he explained, swinging his legs back and forth from the bed. 

"Mhm, I get it," Soobin couldn't help but smile at his answer.

"Ok, I know what you want to say, so just say it," Yeonjun rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"I told you so!" Soobin exclaimed. "He's a jerk, always has been one." He laughed but checked if Yeonjun was laughing with him. On the other's face appeared a slight smile.

"You know, it's weird. It's like I was rejected, but I didn't even confess. But, I'm not even upset about it. I'm more mad that he was using me and wasting my time. Like, I could have met some other better guy, that would have been my boyfriend now or whatever." 

Soobin stayed silent. He observed Yeonjun and the change in his facial expression. The boy said he could not care less for the other boy who broke his heart, but the tears forming in his eyes said otherwise. There was a long silence before Yeonjun changed the topic.

"How did you even end up with Soyeon?" 

"Well, I got an unexpected call from Bumjune saying you left. Then, Soyeon took his phone and angrily explained that this jerk did something bad to you, so you left and took some alcohol with you, then she gave me the address and her number, so we went looking for you together. I think she talked with Bumjune a lot after we hung up. Then she explained the whole situation to me while we were looking for you. She was so mad and drunk. But if it wasn't for her, then who knows where would you be waking up right now," Soobin explained calmly.

"So you just followed a random drunk girl's words and came to look for me in the middle of the night?"

"She said Bumjune did something bad to you, so I had no reason not to believe her," he said while laughing, then stopped and looked at Yeonjun for a few seconds. He sighed deeply and put his forehead against the boy's shoulder. "But I was so fucking worried."


Yeonjun gulped loudly.

"I could not think about anything else, just you and where the fuck did your stupid ass go."

"Thank you," Yeonjun smiled and put his cheek against Soobin's head. 

Yeonjun took Soobin's hand in between his hands and placed them on his thighs. Soobin pulled himself closer to his friend's body, with his head still on his shoulder. The blond boy's heart beat unusually fast. He was scared to be heard by the other. Being that close to his friend made his mind create thoughts about him that he never had before. 

"Raise your head a bit, kiss him." The voice inside him kept on repeating. He even imagined it in detail, while Yeonjun's thumb was caressing his opened hand. 

He would raise his head a few inches up, then he'd lock his eyes with the boy. His hand would free itself from between Yeonjun and make its way to the boy's chin. He would place the other hand behind Yeonjun's back to make the distance between them almost disappear. Then Soobin would stare at Yeonjun's perfect plump lips before touching them gently. 

The last image that popped into his mind, made him flinch. So he pulled himself away from the boy. 

"I think we should start cleaning now, so it won't take a whole day," Soobin suggested and stood up. His eyes were everywhere but on half-naked Yeonjun. His ears were red, he felt them sting. He hurriedly found some clean t-shirts, so he tossed one to his friend and wore the other one. "I'll start with the lawn, you can go downstairs and eat some breakfast first."

"Have you ever cast the fishing rod?" Taehyun's father asked Beomgyu. 

The two of them stood in the middle of the river, wearing their fishing attire. Beomgyu's legs trembled from the morning breeze and freezing water, but he was eager to learn from the man. He wanted to look best before his boyfriend's dad's eyes. Taehyun was watching them from the bank, smiling ear to ear, he was preparing the bait.

"No, I haven't," he answered slowly, his voice broke from the cold.

"Ok then, you grab here," he started the lesson. 

The man showed an example by casting first. Beomgyu observed him closely. Then, he tried to do exactly what the others showed him. Eventually, he cast a rod successfully. He grinned, then looked in Taehyun's direction. He was already watching him and gave his thumbs up.

"Now what?" Beomgyu asked excitedly.

"Now, wait in silence." The man responded quietly with a little smile forming on his face.

"Got it," Beomgyu whispered back.

At first, he thought that staying still would be an impossible activity for him. However, he spaced out pretty quickly. His mind ran off to the thoughts of his father, and Taehyun. He felt happy at that moment because he was able to relax for a bit, before returning to the mess of his daily life.

Suddenly he got pulled, and a frightened expression appeared on his face. He pouted his lips and widened his eyes. 

"Woah, I think I got something," he said half-happy and half-worried. Taehyun's father chuckled and turned to him. 

"You have to pull this carefully. Go on," he said while rolling up his cast. He wanted to help the boy. 

In the end, Beomgyu successfully pulled out a fish, its eyes scared him, so the other man took it from him and the both of them returned to the bank. 

"You already got your dinner," Taehyun's dad laughed while he removed the bait from the fish's mouth. "Taehyun jump in the water, it's only us that have nothing to eat." He laughed. Beomgyu looked uncomfortable while the older man started unliving the fish, he turned the other way. 

The man returned to the river, leaving the two teenagers alone.

"I think it's the last time I will eat fish," Beomgyu said while staring at it. "Poor fish."

"Rest for a bit," Taehyun replied. "And watch how the pro is doing it." He pointed at himself. Then he took the fishing rod and went into the water.

Beomgyu chuckled at him slowly getting away with his big rubbers on. He thought his boyfriend looked funny, but adorable in them.

After two hours they fished enough, so they were able to make a proper lunch. Returning to their camp base took them around twenty minutes on foot. The equipment was heavy and Beomgyu felt tired after going into the water so much. He tried not to complain, but he would let out sighs at times. Taehyun slowed down to match his pace. They both tagged behind his father now. 

"You're ok?"

"I don't know," Beomgyu answered, his voice soulless. 

Taehyun smirked seeing him. He emptied the right hand, by holding everything with his left hand and reached for Beomgyu's empty left hand. He intertwined their fingers so quickly, that the boy reacted only after it happened and he was unable to shake him off. He paranoically looked at the boy's father, scared to be found out. 

"He's deep in thought, don't make any noise, and he will not notice," Taehyun whispered next to Beomgyu's ear, so his heart beat even faster. 

"I hate you," Beomgyu fake cried while whispering.

Taehyun put a butterfly kiss on Beomgyu's ear, while he was panicking and smiled after leaving his boyfriend in a shock.


I know nothing about fishing lmao

❝my youth is with you❞ yeonbinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin