Ch. 2

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Miles woke up to the smell of fresh, clean air. His eyes fluttered open, wondering where he was. The warm white covers reminded him of where he was; Mr. 42's house. The memories came to him in a whirlwind. He sat up and noticed Mr. 42 was already up and gone. He stretched his body and got up. He rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the sunlight through the translucent curtains. He got up, looking around for Mr. 42. His house was more beautiful in the warm morning sun. He went downstairs slowly, trying not to make a creek in the floorboards.

White, gold, and purple covered Mr. 42's house; the warmth only made it more majestic than it was already. Miles walked into the kitchen and through a door; leading to a greenhouse. He looked around at the flowers, their colors being a variety. It was a beautiful sight, blessing his eyes shortly after waking up. He didn't explore but admired his vision.

"Good morning, Miles," Mr. 42 said.

Miles turned his head, his eyes meeting Mr. 42's. He was leaning in the doorway, one leg over the other, and holding to what seemed to be a cup of something hot. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and loose jeans. The shirt and jeans were both unbuttoned and unzipped. It was an exotic sight, but Miles didn't care for it.

"Good morning, Mr. 42," Miles said, smiling.

Miles fully turned around; he had an innocent smile that tore apart Mr. 42. Mr. 42 blushed and put his head down, gripping his cup harder. Miles approached Mr. 42.

"I put your clothes in the washing machine so you can go to work," Mr. 42 said, collecting himself and looking Miles in the eyes, "in the meantime, I had an idea,"

"What do you have planned, sir?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could go out," Mr. 42 said, "get to know each other,"

"Like a date?" Miles said.

"Yeah, like a date," Mr. 42 said, "if not, I can just drive you home-"

"Nope, a date it is," Miles said, "do you have any clothes I can borrow?"

"Yeah, I have a few clothes in my room; you can style all you want," Mr. 42 said, rubbing Miles' shoulder.

"Thank you, Mr. 42!" Miles said, his tone cheerful

Miles walked past Mr. 42, but Mr. 42 stopped him. He grabbed Miles by the wrist and pulled him in for a kiss. He slipped a little tongue, but nothing as extreme as last night. They broke, and Miles returned to going upstairs. Miles' heart fluttered; his mind was constantly on Mr. 42. He entered the bedroom again, his mind flooding with memories from last night. Miles dug through the drawers to find his outfit. He wore a white tee with a purple button-up and black jeans. It was casual, but it fit the luxurious aesthetic Mr. 42 had. He looked around the bedroom for his shoes, eventually finding them several feet apart.

He slipped his shoes and sneaked a look at the time. 12:43. Around three hours until his shift. He went back downstairs and waited by the front door. Mr. 42 was walking down the hallway towards the front door, lost in his thoughts. He snapped out of it when he saw Miles, slightly blushing at the boy.

"You have style," Mr. 42.

"Thank you, sir," Miles said, looking down.

Mr. 42 had fixed himself, properly wearing clothes. He grabbed the keys that were hanging and unlocked the front door. They walked down the long pathway and got inside the car. Miles realized he had forgotten his backpack in Mr. 42's car. Unsure if anything was missing, he searched through it, specifically looking for a 100-dollar bill. Mr. 42 watched Miles try to hide his panic. Miles pulled out the money slightly and let out a sigh of relief as he buried it once again. Miles sat up and put his hands between his thighs. Mr. 42 turned on the car.

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