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Chapter 32:

Elyse s POV

Lou promised the kids that we would take them out today. I get up, get dressed and deicide to make the kids pancakes for breakfast. It's their favourite and I haven't in a while. All the kids come downstairs dressed and with smiles on their faces. They tell me what shapes they want their pancakes and I make them. All the kids are eating their pancakes and I make some for Lou. He come downstairs shirtless, he smirks at me causing me to blush and hide my face from him but he comes and hugs me from behind. "Like what you see baby?" he whispers in my ear. I bite my lip hard and nod. He smirks, "Why don't we have a family day ?" he asks. "We promised the kids we would take them out today." I answer him, all of a sudden the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." he says, heading for the door. I go back to making his pancakes and next thing I know Lottie comes into the kitchen and says hi to me. Of course I said Hi back to her. "Babe... Go get sexy and grab the girls I have a surprise for you all " he says and I blush but listen and head upstairs. I pick out my best pink dress and put it on before fixing my hair and going back downstairs grabbing the girls .

Lou's POV

Elyse comes downstairs looking so hot! How is that possible? I mean I am always attracted to her, I mean she is my wife so why wouldn't I? "Wow, wow, wow!" is all I can say and she blushes. God, I love when I make her blush. It has become my mission to make her blush. I grab her hand and the kids and walk her to the car, opening the door for her and putting the girls in the back before getting in myself and driving off. Leaving my sister to handle our house.

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