Ask #52

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@sammymossoff354 For both Knockout and Breakdown: how are you both able to take care/manage 3 sparklings and a full grown mech who is "like" a teenager in human years? ShadowTail; *was about to say something stupid when her older Sister GalaxyBlaze jumped on her* GalaxyBlaze: HAHA got ya! [*Galaxy and Shadow were starting to fight*] (Me| welp I'd better let you two be and stop asking questions cause I have to stop my siblings from quarrling with each other AGAIN)

Knockout, sighs: I'll be honest, the Triplets are a pain in the aft but.. {Smiles softly} I wouldn't change anything about them. {Suddenly frowns} Except maybe the fact. their first words were swears the same thing goes for Firebrawl as well.

Breakdown, nods in agreement with his mate: Knockout's right, we wouldn't change a thing about them apart from their first words. But other then when they tend to cause trouble, their easy to take care of and manage.

Knockout, shrugs with a small smirk: It also helps with the fact that Firebrawl's, now mostly the Autobots problem.

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