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Auoura pov

I smile looking down at my paper, I finished coloring.

I then get up and run to papa and the rest.

As I arrive at the living room I see my mama, papa and brothers sitting down.

"Papa Papa!" I shout running towards him I stand next to him.

"Here since woman seem not to see your wedding ring." I said hanging him the paper.

"I'm married and I value my life, so please stay away." Papa reads as my brothers laugh and he looks at me I nod smiling proudly.

"Just pin it to your shirt, by your chest." I said as he nods smiling.

"Ok I will do that." He says nodding as I giggle.

I then walk towards Salv and climb on his lap.

"Hi." I said shyly at Salv as he smiles.

"Hi baby." He says as he hugs me, I pout.

"I'm not a baby! I'm five years old." I wince as I show him my five fingers.

"Ok, ok you're not a baby." He says as I nod smiling. I hear laughs I look to see the rest of my brothers laughing, papa chulcke and mama smiles as I blush from embarrassment.

"Mama can you do my hair again?" I ask as she nods smiling. I hope off Salv lap and run to my room, I get hair ties a brush and water spray.

I then run back to mama.

As I see her I sit down on the couch as I place everything down next to her.

I smile as I feel her comb out my hair. I love when mama does my hair, one time Liam tired he got my hair all tangled, mama scolded him and had to brush my hair out, it took almost two hours.

I giggle at the memory.

"What's so funny?" Papa ask as I giggle more.

"Remember when Liam brushed my hair?" I ask giggling.

"Oh yea, he tangled my babies hair." Mama says as Liam gasp.

"I thought I was your baby?" Liam says as he puts his hand over his heart.

"You are, you're the sixth baby, I'm seventh but the favorite." I said as mama, Salv and Luca chuckles and Liam glares at me.  Glare back, he gulps.

"Fine." He mutters I smile in victory, hehehe.

Who can't say no to this cute face of mine?

My eyes lit up as I hear Salv mutter bad words. I hop off and go towards him, I stand in front of him as he signs he pulls out two lollipops and hands me them, I smirk. I then go sit down on the couch for mama to finish.

"What would you like to eat my love?" Mama ask me.

"Can we have your famous Mac and cheese!" I said happily.

"Sure." She says as I smile.

I'm IN LOVE with her Mac and cheese she makes.

"All done." Mama says, I smile as I look in the mirror.

"Thank you mama." I said as she nods smiling.

"I'll go make us dinner." Mama says getting up.

I smile as I look at my brothers.

We all look at each other, we then burst out laughing.


"Yes, my princess?"

"Why do you have some grey hairs?" I ask, Liam laughs.

As I look at them weird. I'm beging totally honest, how do us human begins well these human begins have grey hairs?

"Well you see when your brothers get me angery or stressed out my hair turns grey." Papa says as I look at him confused, I stand up and look at him angery, he frowns.

"Then what the heck did you do to grandpa!?" I shout, his his eyes widen, I hear my brothers laugh their butts off.

"Hahahah, oh my God!!! Haha." Blake laughs as they all wipe their tears from laughing to hard.

I glare at papa.

"It wasn't just me, I have four other brothers." He says as he struggls.

"Dinners ready." I hear mama shout, I happily get up and run to the kitchen, I climb on the chair and sit down happily.

"Haha, you still got to climb on the chairs, you're to short." Aden teases.

"Shut up, it's not my fault I'm short. At least Blake never used my toothbrush to clean his toilet!" I shout crossing my arms.

His eyes widen, as I smirk Blake's eyes widen with fear he then hides his fear.

"W - what?" Aden ask.

"The same toothbrush you used was used to clean someone's toilet." I said smiking.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Aden yells running away with his arms in the air.

I chulcke, this man a 6'3 buffed inked man.

My eyes lit up as a plate is in front off me, I smile.

"Thank u mama." I said she smiles and nods at me.

Papa signs I look at him to see him looking at me sad.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Stay small. Please, I'm not ready for you to go to school, highschool, boyfriend which will NEVER EVER happen." He says as go giggle.

"It's ok papa I'll stay small. I'll never ever have a boyfriend too! I mean I'm already surounded by too many men and boys!" I wincd.

They laughs and nod, mama sits next to me.

"Is it good?" She ask as I nod she smiles looking at us all with love.

"Let's eat, uh?" She ask as we nod smiling.

Sorry for not updating, just back at school days.
Counted words: 915

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