Amber's POV
I walk down the busy streets of Queens, taking in everything as I walk to my job, I am a sales associate for Hot Topic in Queens Center. My hair is a vibrant pink color, which is professionally dyed. I have one green eye and the other is blue, it is the main way people notice me. Once I know no one is watching, I flick my index finger and thumb together creating a small flame, quickly I light my cigarette and put the fire out just as fast as it appeared. See, I am an elemental, thanks to fucking HYDRA. But it is pretty cool to be able to do simple tasks with my powers like lighting a cigarette and filling a glass of water.
I am very lucky to have my powers but it came at a great cost, years of pain and pure torture along with being separated from my siblings Pietro and Wanda. I am the middle triplet, I miss my brother and sister very much, hoping to find them in any way possible. I have exhausted all my efforts I fear that I may never find them, it makes my heart ache just thinking about them. The number of mental breakdowns I have had trying to find them is too many to count but hopefully, they won't be in vain, I vow to find them.
Back to your regularly scheduled program, I make it to the store within ten minutes. Quickly I put out my cigarette and walk into the back room, putting my belongings in my designated locker and grabbing a walkie, heading up to the cash register I make sure that everything is in its proper place before I go to unlock the store doors for customers to enter. I smile as soon as a young boy enters. "PETER! It has been a while since I've seen you, you've been caught up with the Avengers I am assuming?" I say, smiling widely as he runs up to the register and pulls me into a hug, spinning me around. I laugh loudly and hug back, "yea, you know how it is, fighting monsters and being the hero," he says, setting me back on the ground. We release from our hug, "So how has the hunt been regarding your siblings?" He asks, I smile weakly. "Not very good, all I know is that they were somewhere in Sokovia, I just don't have the money to go there and search," I say sad. He pulls me back into a tight hug, "I'll help you do some more research. I am currently helping the new Avengers get assimilated into everything. Actually, they are waiting in the car. So how about I go grab them and bring them here to meet my favorite person in the whole wide world?" He says, never letting go of me. I nod softly, "That sounds amazing, I gotta come to the tower later, I miss the others." I say.
He quickly leaves, soon reappearing with a guy and a girl who look oddly familiar. "Hi, I'm Amber, welcome to Hot Topic," I say, smiling at them both. The girl has long auburn hair and striking green eyes while the guy has short silver hair and bright blue eyes. "You look very familiar." The male says, his accent being very thick. "Thank God I am not the only one who thinks that you are familiar! I just can't place where I've seen you before," I say. "Well since you've already introduced yourself oh so lovely Amber, these two are the newest Avengers. Meet Wanda and Pietro Maximoff!" Peter says dramatically.
My face immediately pales and it feels like the world is tilting, I stumble a bit, using the counter to support myself. Peter immediately steadies me, "Whoa, what's wrong? Don't you dare pass out on me." He says. I begin to mumble quickly in Russian, "Svyatoy yebat'! Etogo ne proiskhodit, o bozhe, ya nikogda ne dumal, chto naydu ikh spustya stol'ko let." Both of them look at me, "you speak Russian," Wanda says. I nod shakily, "what do you mean 'you never thought you would find them after all these years?'" Pietro asks. "My full name is Amber Elizabeth Maximoff," I say, staring at them with tears slowly beginning to fall down my face. "Mladshaya sestra?" "Sissi?" They both ask, staring at me. I nod while a sob chokes out of my throat, "Holy shit!! You never told me your last name!" Peter says in utter shock.
Within 2 seconds, I am brought into a very tight hug, I let the sobs come out as I clutch to them. I can hear Wanda sobbing just as loud as I am and Pietro letting out small sobs, we all drop to the ground as my knees buckle. "I've been looking for you guys for 6 years, I never gave up," I choke out, "we've been looking for you as well, the Avengers have been helping us." Wanda whimpers. A rush of footsteps is heard along with concerned gasps, I glance up and see the rest of the Avengers.
"Would someone like to explain why FRIDAY alerted us that you both were in distress?" Tony Stark asks, a look of concern mixed with displeasure. "Can't you see the resemblance between them?" Nat asks, Bucky nodding along with her, "Doll, what is your name?" Bucky asks. "Amber Maximoff," I say. A look of shock is on all their faces except for Nat and Bucky, "Wait a minute...this is the girl we've been searching for a year and she was here in Queens this entire time? Peter, why didn't you tell us?" Steve asks, glancing at him. "I never knew, I didn't even know her siblings' names or her last name. How didn't I put it together?" Peter says, still in a state of shock. I feel Pietro stroking my hair softly, glancing up at him I hug him even tighter, never wanting to let go and hoping that this isn't some sort of sick nightmare. "We will never let you go ever again Sissi, no way in Hell will anyone separate us again," Wanda says, confidently. I smile widely and hug her again, I stand up and look at Peter, "You're the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for," I whisper in his ear as I hug him. He blushes a deep shade of red, "Well I try my best." He whispers back.
"Okay ma'am, well would you like to head back to the tower with us?" Steve asks me, "I would love to but I ha-" I am cut off by the other manager walking in for his shift, "Go with them, I'll be fine on my own today." He says I smile widely, "You are seriously the absolute best coworker ever." I speak. He smiles and nods, I run to the back and grab my belongings from my locker while the others wait either inside or outside the store. I walk over to my siblings and Peter, smiling widely, we all walk outside the store to meet with the others. "Okay, who is riding with who?" Nat asks, they all bicker for a few minutes before figuring it all out. "Shit! I gotta run to my apartment to grab some things. Peter, you mind swinging me over there?" I ask, smiling at my boyfriend, "Yea, no problem." He says and pulls me close. "You better be careful with her or I will end you, no scratches or any marks for that matter," Wanda says, Pietro and her both giving him an evil look. I let out a laugh, "Spidey would never drop me, he hasn't done it yet and most certainly won't be doing it any time soon." I say, they both nod and get into the car they came in which Bucky is now driving.
Once all the cars have left, Peter pulls me close and we begin our trip to our apartment, swinging through Queens. As soon as we step into the apartment, I let out a small sigh of relief, "What's wrong Darling?" Peter asks, "Oh nothing is wrong, actually things are great for once. I just thought I would never find my siblings," I say softly, taking a seat on the couch. He sits next to me and pulls me onto his lap, "I am so happy for you, I know that you've been freaking out lately. Just know that I am here for you no matter what," He whispers into my ear, leaving light kisses down my neck. Giggling, I pull him up with me as I head to the room to pack an overnight bag, making sure that we both have everything we need. We step out onto the fire escape and begin the trip to the Avengers Tower, I cling to Peter as we swing through the city, each having a headphone in so we can listen to music.
The minute we arrive at the tower, Pietro speeds out to us to grab our bags and Wanda comes walking up to me, doing a thorough search for any injuries. "Thank you for making sure she got here safely Peter," She states. Quickly, she grabs my hand and brings me into the main living area of the tower. I glance around the room in awe. This will definitely take some time getting used to but it is all worth it. Being with my siblings and my boyfriend is going to go amazing. Let's just hope neither of them try to kill Peter once they figure out we're dating I think to myself.

Peter Parker's Soulmate
FanfictionAmber Maximoff is the third triplet of the Maximoffs, the sad thing is that she was kept in a separate HYDRA facility nowhere near her brother and sister. One day she escapes the facility and ends up in New York City, the city that never sleeps. Joi...