Chapter 31

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"Milk powder, check!" Callum was reading the list of Toby's needs he made earlier this morning. "Food, check!"

"What else do we need?" I asked Callum while carrying a whole bag filled with cans of dog food and boxes of milk powder.

"Squeeky toys," Callum said, holding onto Toby's leash.

"How many squeeky toys does he need exactly?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"I don't know. As many as possible, I think?"

"You crazy?!" I said. "We'll be keeping him for less than three weeks only. I'm not blowing my money for useless dog items when I don't even have one."

"Money?" he asked.

"A dog!" I said "I don't have a dog!"

"That's alright, Joe," he said. "You're Toby's mummy anyway, right?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Your mother spoils you a lot, doesn't she?" Callum said

"She used to," I said. "She doesn't spoil me anymore. Don't know why."

"Like mother, like daughter," Callum said. "You would spoil your child too, wouldn't you?"

"You know what?! All of these are technically from me! You didn't bring any money with you," I said as I hit Callum's arm with my bag.

"That's because I don't," Callum said. "Besides, I'm the one who covered you up when Steve asked who's dog this is."

We passed by the park later on where Callum and I sat down on one of the benches, exhausted.

"So, how's Luke for a boyfriend?" Callum asked.

I tried pretending that I didn't hear him because I don't want to get into another fight with him. We've been fighting for quite sometime, and I'm exhausted.

"JOE!" Callum said.

"What?!" I said.

"How is he?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"How's Luke for a boyfriend?" he asked.

I sat up straight.

"Do you really need to ask that?" I said.

"I just wanna know" he said.

"How's April for a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Ohh-" Callum placed his hands on his head "Is it that important?"

"Do you miss Luke?" I asked him.

Callum shook his head.

"I see him everyday in school" he said.

"I mean, like, do you miss being his best friend and all of that?" I asked.

Callum shook his head again.

"Honestly, he's overreacting" I said "He should realize that none of this is your fault and nobody wanted this."

Callum gave a small laugh.

"So, you're blaming your own boyfriend?" he said.

"I'm also blaming you," I said. "You guys are overreacting."

Callum stared at Toby, and then he stood up from the bench.

"So now you're mad at me?" I said.

"No I'm not," he turned to Toby. "I just need to take Toby out for a walk."

The English BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon