Ethan Landry x Reader

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A/N – Hi! This is my first time doing an X Reader and taking it genuinely seriously. I really hope you guys enjoy this! There is no use of Y/N, this is told in second person narrative!

Ethan Landry was your boyfriend of a few years, 2 to be honest.
He was an absolute sweetheart.
Your keyword is was.
He was a sweetheart to you, until you found out that he was a serial killer. But, this didn't seem to deter you much.

You stayed with him, even when you found out how he killed his victims, even after he was slowly picking off people from your friend group, one after another. Of course, he had some help, but he was a mastermind after all, you never once inquired about his intelligence. He was your smart, sweet boy, and it would stay that way forever.

He came home, emptied his bookbag, and hung up his mask and costume. You were on the couch watching the news.
'New ghostface on the loose, is it real?' was the headline of the day.
He was real, and you knew he was real too.

"Baby, turn it off please?" he asked, since he was polite, you did. You sat up and looked at him.
"Why?" is all you could muster, he looked at you with his puppy dog eyes. Then he looked back at the black screen of the TV.
"For fun," he responded quietly.

Your mouth went slightly dry at that, you don't exactly know why. Suddenly, you started to tear up at the thought that your sweet, smart boy was a serial killer in a ghostface costume. Your sweet boy, he was the new horror of the town. That alone was enough to make you cry.
He looked at you with confusion, then he understood.

"Honey, please don't cry," he whispered.
He went over to you and held you, running his hand through your hair. He started to tear up with you. He knew he was doing something that was considered wrong, but to him? It was his way of having a little fun. No matter how many times he repeated it, you wouldn't ever understand why he does it. You never wanted to know the full truth, but a part of you knew that it was the full truth.

He never wanted to hurt you though, if he did? He would lose himself. He would punish himself and never go back to normal. Whatever he did, he was going to make sure you never would have to get involved with anybody. If he got caught? He would make sure that the police would have no reason to interrogate you, mostly because he never told you anything about specifics.

He cradled you in his arms, making sure you were held and making sure that you were comforted by him. He wanted to make sure that you knew he loved you, and you did, but a part of you sometimes wanted to doubt it. But you knew, you were his life, the love of his life.
He was still softly crying as he held you to his chest, you were balled in a fetal position and sniffling. You weren't crying, just sniffling.
He was just happy you were safe, and you knew that you were safe with him.
He kissed your forehead softly, running his fingers through your hair again, lightly rubbing your scalp.
At least you knew, you were loved, even if your love was the serial killer ghostface.
To you? He was just your sweet boy, Ethan Landry.

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