Chapter 59- Refusal

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Isabel was tired. She was tired of everyone telling her what to do. Telling how she needed to be progressing in her recovery. It was her recovery, damn it, and she'd progress in her own way, in her own time. Her friends meant well, she knew that much. But it didn't make their methods any less frustrating. She refused to let anyone else dictate her recovery. It was hers, and she would recover on her own terms.


"So, tell me, Elizabeth, how is she doing?" Elizabeth sighed, and Reid knew that wasn't a good sign. He looked over at Teresa and Akilah, who had matching faces of dread. Ria, who was still young and had no idea what was happening, was happily playing with the zipper of Teresa's purse. They'd decided to give Ciara some space to settle into the hospital first before they reintroduced her to everyone. Once they started, they would only have one person at a time visit her. Ria was the only exception to the one-visitor rule. That day, it was Akilah and Ria's turn.

"It's been a week since she's woken up. Physically, she's doing as well as could be expected. Wound Care has checked on her every day. They'll be taking off the bandages around her wrists and ankles tomorrow. The wounds there are still a bit scabbed, but they'll close in a few more days. The GSW is also healing quite nicely. A prosthetist will also be down at some point," Elizabeth explained.

"For her hand, right?" Akilah asked, and the nurse nodded. None of them had broached the subject of Ciara's missing fingers with her. None of them had known how. But maybe with the news that a prosthetist would be coming to see her, they could bring it up. To tell the truth, outside of reminding her that it was over and that James Bunder would never hurt her again, none of them had brought up what she had gone through in Halsey. Reid only wondered if that was helping or hindering her recovery.

"Correct. A physical therapist will also begin working with her soon. They want to use hydrotherapy to begin with," the nurse told them.

"Hydrotherapy?" Teresa questioned.

"Basically they're going to take her down to the pool and do her physical therapy there. The buoyancy of the water will make the work easier on her. Once she's made progress there, they'll reassess and see if she'd ready for traditional physical therapy. Unfortunately, they are refusing to start treatment."

"What? Why?!" Akilah burst, and Teresa automatically put a calming hand on the Red Fury's shoulder, especially after Ria jumped at the outburst and pulled on her mother's purse. She hadn't seemed particularly interested in the conversation thus far, but even the three-year-old couldn't ignore Akilah's exclamation.

"That brings me to my second point. Physically, yes, Ciara is starting to heal. It's... the mental recovery that I'm worried about," Elizabeth answered.

"We all knew that part wasn't going to be easy," Reid sighed.

"No, I'm well aware. As I've said, I've spent the last five years in Behavioral Health. I'm used to the nightmares, the screaming, the hysterical crying, the detachment, even the verbal combativeness. I know how to deal with that," Elizabeth responded, before sighing and shaking her head. "She's refusing to eat. She's refusing to shower. And every time I leave the room, I come back to find her on the floor. At least she's figured out how to get herself back in the bed by herself."

"She's not eating? Or showering?" Teresa asked.

"Nope. She straight up refuses. I tried putting it in front of her when she was sleeping. As soon as she wakes up, she throws the plate at the wall. So I tried giving it to her when she was awake. She waits for me to turn my back, and then she pushes it onto the floor. And since she won't let anyone touch her, I can't get her to the shower to clean some of that dirt and dried blood off of her," Elizabeth explained. "She's straight up refusing to take part in her own mental recovery."

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