10. Patched Wounds

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Partner In Crime
Patched Wounds (Chpt. 10)

Vivian stirred in her spot, groaning as pain radiated from her wound. She slowly opened her eyes, not having the slightest of clue where she was or what just happened. The mattress below her dipped as she moved, slowly sitting up. She rubbed her tired eyes, eyes scanning the room.

"You're awake." Said a familiar voice.

Warner walked out of the bathroom, sliding into his jacket. He wore a slight smile as he met her gaze, relief flooding him as she smiled back, knowing she was alright. Or at least as much as she could be after being shot.

"How're you feeling?" He asks, walking over. He sits on the foot of the bed, resting his hands in his lap as he looks at her.

It's then that Vivian realizes she's in nothing but a bra and underwear.

She panics, pulling the sheets up and covering herself, a pink tint forming in her cheeks.

"Don't worry love, nothing to be ashamed of." He says. "You're quite beautiful, you know." The girls pink tone grows, hands flickering in front of her eyes. Vivian's shocked as Warner goes unfazed. "Besides, how do you think you got out of your clothes in the first place?"

Her eyes widen.

"Warner did we-?"

He lets out a booming laugh, "Darling, I wish." He shakes his head. "But I only took you out of your dress to take care of your wound." He pauses as the girl's shoulders relax. "How're you feeling by the way?"

"Like shit." She says, tucking a lock of stray hair behind her ear. She laughs slightly. "Thank you by the way."

Warner smiles softly. "You're welcome, love." He says, standing up and adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get what I need to replace your bandage now that you're awake."

Vivian nods, watching as he walks away and enters the bathroom. The lights turn on and flood into the rest of the bedroom, which the girl just realized was Warner's rather than her own.

As the blonde vanishes from sight, Vivian looks around, eyes landing on the two glass doors leading outside. She's surprised when the sky is painted pitch black rather than the bright blue of the day time.

How long had she been asleep?

She remains in her spot quietly as Warner returns with the supplies he has promised, sitting back down in the spot he had been in before. He then gestures for the girl to creep forward. She does, moving the sheet to allow him to access the wound and watching him as he carefully reaches forward and slowly removes the bandage.

The bandage rips apart from the girls skin, making her wince. She squeezes her eyes shut and looks upward, biting her lip to numb the pain. Her hand grips the sheets and she begins to squirm slightly.

"Hold still, Love." Warner says, placing his hands carefully on her sides to stop her movement. She opens her eyes, meeting the boys gaze. She nods apologetically, trying her hardest not to look down at the wound.

The boy then resumes his work, disinfecting the wound. Vivian goes back to clutching the sheets, squeezing her eyes shut as he removes the cloth and puts on a new bandage. Once she feels him not longer messing with the wounds, she slowly loosens her grip on the blanket, opening her eyes.

When she does, Warner's looking back at her. He's still leaning forward from when he'd taken care of her bandage. His hands are on either side of her hips, making the mattress dip in their presence. He stares at her in awe, his eyes finally falling, only to land on her lips.

Vivian notices, then drops her gaze to his. They were perfect. So soft- so smooth and so gorgeous. Just like the rest for him.

Then, before she can help herself, she's leaning forward. Her body aches as she moves, but she ignores the feeling and continues leaning in. Warner leans forward too, lips meeting gently in the middle.

They touch delicately, Warner taking one hand and placing it carefully on the girls cheek. Then, he pulls back, looking at her with a curious look, as if to ask if he could continue.

The brunette looks at him with a look that he loved. A look of craving and a look of adoration all in one. Then, before he can resume kiss, Vivian does for him, placing her lips against hers. This time, it's less gentle- more passionate. She slowly leans back, Warner ending up on top of her. He takes his hand from her cheek and places it, along with his other, carefully on her hips, making sure not to worsen her pain.

The girls hands dance along his back and up to his neck, entangling in his hair. As the kiss grows, Warner tongue grazes against the girls lip, the girl grants it entry, a soft moan escaping her throat.

Then, to catch his breath, Warner breaks away from her. His breathing is heavy as he meets her gaze, desire in his eyes. Vivian returns the look, taking her hands from behind his head and moving the to his front. She begins to undo his tie, then his shirt, tossing them aside.

She traced his muscles with her hands, smiling sheepishly as he leaned in and kissed her again. "I've wanted this for so long." He says through a breath, speaking into her neck. He tightened his grip on her hips and flips himself around so she's on top of him. "You're so..." Warner begins, but is cut off as Vivian places her lips against his, placing her hands on his cheeks. Her hands then make their way down to his neck, then his chest. Her lips follow close behind, dancing over to his cheek, and ending on his right peck.

Then, out of breath, she pulls away, taking her hands and grabbing his wrists, moving his arms and pinning them above his head. She moves closer to the blonde, leaving no gap between their bodies. She leans down, whispering in his ear.

"Who knew all it would take to kiss you was for me to get myself shot."


I can't decide if I want to write a Kenji fic or not.

Just like I can't decide if this chapter sucks or not.


Partner In Crime, Aaron WarnerWhere stories live. Discover now