No, you cant take me.

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"Boss, you sure you don't wanna shoot her ?" He had a heavy Brazilian accent, which made him sound really hot. But I couldn't give in because if I do it would make me seem weak, and I hate coming off as weak. "Nah, I have some plans for her." Huh what do your mean you have "plans for me." Why am I sitting over here arguing with you when I can be calling the cops. Move let go of me I say as I get unloose from his grip. Did your mom teach your how to treat a woman, clearly not. I storm off to hit the burglar alarm and all of a sudden I feel something cold hit the side of my head and last I remember was me getting thrown over someone's shoulder and getting walked out

The mysterious man POV:
Take her and the other hoe to, didn't I tell you that were ever you go I will find you? Of course I did because you do this all the time why do you choose to run. Put them in the car, Now! If any of you try to go after them you'll be next. Ok let's head out. Who does this chick think she is talking to. "So what are we going to do with her ?" I don't know yet "Aye boss you do need a new hoe." Yea I do. "So ?" Ok, ok yeah I guess we'll teach her a lesson to.

Brynns POV:
I woke up from being unconscious from getting my head hit with a pistol. It looks like I'm in a trunk, and I need to get out right now. There cars the new model so he should of some type of trunk opener or something I just need to find it. I look out a peep hole to see where we're at, it looks like an empty street. Ok! Now I yell as the trunk door flashed open and sent me rolling out of the car onto the cold street.
I skinned my shoulder and my knee but that wasn't going to stop me I was going to run until I cant any more. I heard them yelling and the car screech to a stop, but my life depended on it if I was going to be abducted I wasn't going without a fight. I don't care what I had to do I heard a shot fire now I had a choice, but a little of time to decide. I can either keep on running and risk of getting shot with a bullet or I can stop running and give in ..

I continue to run four or five steps more, and I collapsed back to the cold, pitch black, street. No matter how much my mind was telling me to get up and run at least to someone's house and call the cops or do something, but I couldn't my body just stopped it froze. I wasn't shot I was just frozen stuck in place, they probably think I'm pathetic for giving up. God I hate that feeling.. I just watched as they picked me up and put me back in the car, but instead I was in the middle of the two other "Gang." Members I felt there eyes staring at every part of my body. I felt so gross hopefully we're ever they're taking me they have a shower. Where are you taking me ?? "To your new house hon." he said it with a smirk of his face, it made me so angry because I didn't have a choice. No matter how much I tried to act tough I couldn't hold back my tears, I had to let them out.

I busted into tears, heaps of them coming down my face. I expected them to mock me, or call me a baby, but they didn't they just sat there quiet I didn't know what to do. "Don't worry princess your staying with us for, I don't know how long but you need a lesson you need to know that your actions come with consequences, ok?" I continue crying, the car comes to a stop. "Ok?? Listen we can do this hard or easy, pick now." Ok, I mumbled under my breath."Ok princess. We're here take her out and hold on to her she's a runner." He said it with a wink. The place was huge, it was the biggest mansion I saw in LA. He starts to walk towards the door and his friends drag me there to, he opens the gate with a code and tumb identification which means if I tried to escape I couldn't because of how secure it was. By the time they drag me inside we get greeted by three girls.

One of them was tall, blonde, nice jawline, curvy and dressed like a hooker. The next one had black hair, medium height, a little bony her outfit was a short sleeve and sized dress. And the last one was a brunette, the shortest one there, light green eyes, and slim thick. They came up and kissed the three except the main one, I guessed he was single or something. The two through me on the sofa and sat down to, now all four of them where there. "Well go on introduce yourself." What no you tell me who you are first. "If you insist. Him on the far left is Lucas, him on the far right is Carlos, on the right is Jayden." And you? "I'm getting there, Adrian." Adrian's phone starts ringing, and I look around still trying wrap my head around it ..

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