Chapter Three

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 Heavy footsteps approached the door. Mia wondered briefly if she could turn back. Her decision was made for her when the door strung open. The man before her stood as Charlie rather than Chief Swan. He wore a beige henley shirt with a red and brown checkered flannel over it. Mia felt butterflies in her stomach; something about the rugged dad look was so sexy. She briefly wondered if it had anything to do with her lack of a father figure but shook it off. No need to psychoanalyze her turn-ons.

"Mia?" Charlie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He hadn't expected to see her so soon. It had only been a few days since the game at Billy's. If he was being honest, he had been thinking about her every day. It wasn't constant, just little thoughts floating into his mind, like the smell of her perfume or the brown of her eyes.

Billy had called him yesterday. He was teasing him about Mia, having learned about the first time the two met. Billy almost choked, laughing about how sweet Mia chewed out an officer in uniform. Charlie was unsure how to take the teasing. Sure, the two had talked about women, both men being long-time bachelors. But never someone either knew well. Never someone so young. The Chief shook it off. He barely knew the woman and was not one to chase down a girl. But here she stood, on his doorstep, with a tray full of food. She was like a culinary angel.

"Hi, I am so sorry to show up unannounced," Mia rambled. "But I still felt bad about snapping at you and well, I was going to be cooking this anyway, so I wanted to bring some to you."

Charlie looked down at the chipped ceramic baking dish. His lips tugged upwards at the smell of chicken and seasoned rice.

"Wow, it smells- uh here let me-" Charlie grabbed the dish from her. He began to shuffle awkwardly.

"Please- I mean, do you want to come in?"

Mia bit back a grin. She liked seeing the man flustered. It was endearing. "I would love to."

Charlie opened the door wider, ushering her inside. "You can put your coat on the rack."

Before she could complete the task, Charlie was behind her, assisting with her coat. He paused before guiding it off her shoulders, waiting for her permission. With a nod, he took her coat and hung it up. She smiled at the chivalry. This is why she liked seasoned men.

The two walked towards the table. Charlie set down the dish before grabbing some plates and utensils.

"Oh no, I'm fine, really. I made it for you," Mia tried to decline the offered plate. Charlie scoffed; he was not going to send a guest home hungry. His mother would roll in her grave.

"Please, I won't get through it all."

"It makes great left overs."

"You're missing dinner," Charlie insisted. Mia was a stubborn woman.

"It was an apology meal." Mia wasn't budging.

"Well, as part of your apology I request that you have some." Charlie stopped after his sentence. He wondered if he was being too pushy. He hoped he hadn't overstepped.

Mia huffed and stared him in the eye. He thought he had been right, and she was irritated. He opened his mouth to apologize when the Quileute woman grabbed the plate with an amused smile.

"Fine, I fold."

The two shared a smile. She served two portions and set his in front of him. Just as she reached for a fork, her hand brushed Charlie's. There was a soft gasp, neither knew who it was from. She looked up into his warm eyes.

Charlie felt like he was lost in her beauty. He had always thought that his own brown eyes were plain, but hers were incomparably bright. There was depth to them that he couldn't begin to wade through.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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