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"That sounded like Lisa!" cried out Eduardo.

"I know! Let's go! She might need help!" Solomon tried to keep pace with his friend but he was starting to run out of breath.

They finally reached the biology building. The duo raced up the steps, but they still captured the notice of several zombies.

"Darn it," called out Eduardo. "To get this far, then die!"

"Stop it!" cried out Solomon. "You haven't given up before. Let your arrogance guide you!"

Eduardo kicked out at a zombie at the top of the stairs. He fell backwards over the railing.

"Inside, now!" called out Solomon.

The two guys went through the door, then closed it behind them. There was no way to lock it up without a key, so they decided to go and find Lisa.

"If I'm right, the bio lab is this way," said Eduardo, pointing the way.

"Okay," replied Solomon, running past him and trying to open the door. He banged on it.

"Is that a good idea?" Eduardo asked in a rude manner. But then the door quickly opened.

"Lisa!" both friends called out, running in to hug her.

"Hey, back off! I've been bit!" she showed them her arm.

Solomon looked puzzled, as Lisa went back to the microscope and sat down on the stool.

"It's odd, but I've been testing my blood. There's definitely something in it, like a virus."

"Have you checked that rat?" asked Eduardo.

"No, he ran away." She looked up at them. "What's even stranger is that I'm fine. I haven't turned."

Eduardo and Solomon looked at each other, then slowly backed away from her.

"But, how do we know how long it takes to die and turn?" asked Eduardo.

"I've been making note, and it's usually within minutes. There's no other disease quite like this one."

Solomon grabbed a stool and sat down. "So, you mean to say that you're immune?"

She sat there, thinking. "Yes, however, I did treat the wound quickly. Maybe I only got a small amount of zombie virus in my blood, and my immune system has been able to fight it off."

The two guys looked at each other and nodded.

Then there was noise behind them.

"Damn it! We forgot to close the door." Eduardo ran over and closed and locked it. He grabbed a chair and jammed it under the door. "I don't think we have much time."

"Is there any way you can make a vaccine" asked Solomon.

Just then, a rat with green glowing eyes raced across the floor.


"Oh! That's where he went!" Lisa hopped off her stool and went racing after him. She managed to grab him.

"Careful, he could bite!" said Eduardo in a stern tone.

But the rat relaxed in her arms. She gently pet its head. But when she came nearer to the two guys, the rat hissed.

She slipped him into a small cage and closed it up.

"I don't think that door is going to hold for much longer."

"So, do I let the rat bite me?" asked Eduardo.

Lisa nodded. "There is a slim chance you could be immune. If both of you want to try, let me know."

Solomon looked in horror as she lit the bunsen burner with the match, then emptied the contents of the first aid kit.

"Might as well," said Eduardo. "We're all doomed. If we're immune, great, if not, maybe it's fun being a zombie."

The three friends looked at each other and smiled.

Lisa went to grab the infected rat's cage. The rat was happy and chirruped up at her. She took him out and he cuddled up to her neck.

They all looked up at the loud banging at the door. There was a loud crack.

"We have to do this now if we want to survive!" called out Solomon.

The two guys walked up to Lisa. The rat turned towards them with its green glowing eyes. His teeth clicked up and down.

And then Lisa went and put the rat back inside his cage and locked it.

"What are you doing?" asked Eduardo. "That's our only chance!"

Several cracks appeared in the door, while the small glass window above shattered.

"Are we going to fight?" asked Solomon, looking worriedly at Lisa.

And that's when she came at him and bit him on the arm.

Eduardo looked in horror as the door burst open. He held the knife in his hand, but he didn't want to attack his best friend. Lisa backed off from Solomon, her eyes glowing green. Her skin turned a light shade of black.

Then she turned and looked at Solomon. He was submissive, so she ran up to him and bit him on the shoulder. He did nothing.

Solomon and Eduardo turned and looked at each other. Lisa had brought herself under control.

Her eyes turned back to the dark brown, and her skin cleared of the black tinge.

Then the zombies flooded into the room. They ran up to the trio of friends, sniffing around. But then they turned and looked around the room.

The three friends stood stock still, as the rogue zombies milled around.

About five minutes later, they left.

"Quick! You need your wounds treated!" She directed the guys to the first aid kit so she could clean their wounds, then burn it.

"There!" All three friends now had bandages on their zombie wounds.

Eduardo, Lisa and Solomon stood there, smiling.

Eduardo laughed. "How did you think to infect us with your blood and not the rat's?"

She laughed. "I figured that since I was immune, I could pass some antibodies onto you both. And it worked!"

Solomon smiled. "Great, but now I have a hankering for some raw chicken. Or sushi."

"Okay, let's go," she said, leading the way out. "We'll be back with food," she promised the rat.

The zombies in the courtyard ignored the three immune humans.

As they walked to the cafeteria, Eduardo had a thought. "Does this mean that we're zombies? I mean, did you enjoy biting us?"

Lisa pushed past the shattered cafeteria door. "Oh, I think you'll find out for yourself!"

Inside, several people were hiding.

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