Lizzie was extremely nervous as Y/N drove, Scarlett observed the two of them silently. As much as Lizzie deserves to be with someone as nice and kind as Y/N, Y/N is her son. Then something clicked in her mind.
"That morning I walked in your's, it was Y/N who was your one night stand." Scarlett blurted as Y/N kept his eyes forward.
"Yes." Lizzie stated. "But he had already left."
"Good." Scarlett sighed. "I would have hated to see him walking out."
"Me too." Y/N admitted as Scarlett smirked. Once he had pulled in Lizzie's drive, he turned to her. "Do you want me to come in with you?"
"No." Lizzie whispered. "This is something I have got to do alone." Both Y/N and Scarlett watched her get out of the car nervously. Y/N scrolled the window down and undone his seatbelt. Waiting to hear if she needed him.
"You really care about her." Scarlett stated as Y/N nodded.
"I do mama." He confirmed as they watched Lizzie walk inside on her own, she left the door ajar.
"Robbie?" She called out to see him sat on the sofa, the pregnancy test in hand.
"When were you ever going to tell me that you were fucking that kid?" He asked her uncharacteristically calm.
"Robbie." Lizzie started as she couldn't find the words.
"Marlana was the one who shown me this. It's a positive test and I know it can't be mine because I always wrap up because you asked me to." He started to raise his voice as he slammed the positive test on the coffee table. "So it's his?"
"Yes." She whispered as he nodded, turning to see their wedding photo on the shelf. Taking it in his hands.
"So your vows were all lies." He stated before he turned to face her. "Did you even love me?"
"I did." She told him, soon flinching when he threw the photo onto the glass table, causing it to shatter. "I can't say when but I fell out of love and."
"You fell in love with him." He stated as she nodded. Flinching at the next ornament being thrown at the wall. His face contorted with anger as he continued to yell and throw items.
"Y/N? What are you doing?" Scarlett asked him as he got out of the car, hearing more banging. Completely ignoring his mom and rushing inside to Lizzie's aid.
"Here he is!" Robbie yelled when Y/N stood beside Lizzie. "The man of the hour."
"Go outside." Y/N whispered to Lizzie who shook her head. "My mom is still out there. Just do it."
"Listen to your boy here Lizzie." Robbie sneered as he approached the two. Standing arms length apart from Y/N who stood before Lizzie. "Y/N and I need to have a man to man conversation."
"No." She spoke shakily as Robbie laughed.
"Fine, enjoy the show." Robbie dived at Y/N, Lizzie stepping out of the way as she yelled for the two of them to stop. Robbie threw punch after punch as he held Y/N down. Soon pushing Lizzie down when she tried to stop him.
"Don't touch her." Y/N headbutted him and rushed to Lizzie's side. "Are you ok?" He asked her as Robbie grabbed a heavy ornament. Neither knowing that Scarlett had rang the police as she heard the yelling and the screams.
"Look out." Lizzie told Y/N who turned just in time for the ornament to hit the side of his face. As Robbie went to swing it again, Y/N tackled him onto the coffee table, gripping his collar as he punched him. "Y/N, stop. Please." Lizzie asked as he moved away from Robbie. Standing up as Robbie took deep breaths. Anger still took over him as he tackled Y/N clean through the plasterboard and into the stairs. Not letting up with his punches as Y/N started to tire out, unable to fight back as Lizzie screamed for Robbie to stop.
As Robbie was dragged away, Y/N slid down to the floor, his head drooping as he soon collapsed to the floor, Lizzie and Scarlett both running to his side. They could hear Robbie yell obscenities as he was getting dragged away.
"Y/N? Baby." Lizzie tried as she rested his head in her lap.
"Y/N?" Scarlett tried as she had tears form in her eyes. She hated the idea of losing her son over something as stupid as this.
The trip to the emergency room was a blur, Y/N being rushed in for scans as Lizzie was also checked out since she was pushed by Robbie.
"The baby is doing just fine." The doctor said as Scarlett sat beside her, holding her hand as they waited for news on Y/N. "Healthy heart and growing nicely."
"Thank you." Lizzie whispered as the doctor left. "I'm so sorry about all of this Scar."
"It's ok." Scarlett told her. "I saw how he was when he thought Robbie was going to hurt you. He was afraid and I had never saw that look since he was sick and frightened of Elmo." The two laughed.
"Elmo?" She questioned as Scarlett nodded.
"He was afraid of Elmo, I remember one of his old school friends had a party and Elmo was there. He had nightmares for weeks. Anita and I had to look through his closet and under his bed to make sure Elmo wouldn't pop up and take him away." Scarlett told her. "That was the last time I saw his afraid until today. He loves you Lizzie. So much so please don't break him. He would literally die for you."
"I love him Scar and I would never hurt him." Lizzie told her honestly. The two then headed into the waiting room for news on Y/N. Hoping that it wouldn't be crucial because Lizzie would never be able to live with herself.
This fic will be finishing in the next two chapters. Please let me know what you think.

Deadly Infidelity (Elizabeth Olsen X M! Reader)
FanfictionMature content 18+ Working with @Superflash2255 Y/N Johansson is the first son of well known actress Scarlett Johannson. She had him unexpectedly when she was 16 and refused to give him up. So she raised him while she also became one of the biggest...