Episode 104: The Battle between the Pallet Boys! Justin vs Toru!

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While Ashton slept in his room, Justin and Toru's match was about to begin. Both trainers walked towards the Battle Area and faced each other. "So, we get to battle again?" Justin asked. "Yep. its been two months since we battled. Let's see how much stronger you've become," Toru said. The Announcer raised his hand, making everyone in the crowd silent. "Welcome to the second match of the second round. Battling today are two trainers from origin from the same town. Pallet Town of the Kanto Region! These two trainers battled each other at the Kanto League Tournament and both displayed amazing strength! These two are Justin and Toru!" The Announcer asked.

"Now then, both trainers, send out your first Pokemon and the match may begin!" The Announcer said. Justin and Toru both pulled out a PokeBall and threw it forward. Justin sent out Machamp and Toru sent out Hitmonchan. "Let's do this!" Both trainers shouted at the same time. "Hitmonchan, use Blitz Punch" Toru shouted. Hitmonchan rushed forward at extreme speeds and threw a punch at Machamp's face. The punch landed.

"Machamp, use Slam!" Justin said. Machamp grabbed Hitmonchan with all four of it's arms and lifted it into the air. Machamp threw Hitmonchan onto the ground hard. "Hitmonchan, use Flame Punch!" Toru said. Hitmonchan immediately jumped up and set it's fist on fire. It punched Machamp in the face, making Machamp fall on it's back. "Use Quadruple Mega Punch!" Justin shouted. Machamp covered all four of it's fist in an orange aura and rushed at Hitmonchan. It punched Hitmonchan, making it go slide back.

"Hitmonchan, use Punch Barrage!" Toru shouted. Hitmonchan rushed at Machamp and started punching it's face over and over really fast. "Machamp, try to get some distance!" Justin shouted. Machamp managed to jump backwards. "Now use Earthquake!" Justin yelled. Machamp punched the ground really hard, shaking the entire arena. Hitmonchan managed to stay on it's feet. "That didn't work?!" Justin asked in shock.

"Hitmonchan, use Mega Punch!" Toru shouted. Hitmonchan covered it's fist in an orange aura and jumped at Machamp. Hitmonchan winded it's fist back and punched Machamp really hard, making it fall on it's back and faint. Justin called Machamp back to it's Pokeball and grabbed his next one. He threw it forward and sent out Steelix. "Steelix, use Rock Throw!" Justin shouted. Steelix slammed it's tail onto the ground, breaking a few chunks of stone out of the ground. Steelix started grabbing them with it's tail and throwing them at Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan managed to dodge or break most of the incoming rocks, but then it got hit and couldn't dodge the rest of them. "Now use Dig!" Justin shouted.

Steelix burrowed into the ground. "Hitmonchan, stay on your guard!" Toru shouted. Hitmonchan got into a fighting stance, trying to predict where Steelix would come from. Suddenly, Steelix burst out of the ground under Hitmonchan and knocked it into the sky. Hitmonchan fell and tried to land, but Steelix grabbed Hitmonchan in mid air. It began to squeeze Hitmonchan, making it's face go purple. Eventually, Hitmonchan fainted.

Toru called Hitmonchan back to it's Pokeball and grabbed his next one. He threw it forward and sent out Kingdra. "Kingdra, use Water Gun!" Toru shouted. Kingdra shot water at Steelix's face, damaging it. "Now use Bubble!" Toru shouted. Kingdra made a huge bubble and shot it at Steelix. The bubble floated towards Steelix and popped, damaging the huge Steel type Pokemon.

"Steelix, use Iron Tail!" Justin shouted. Steelix lifted it's tail and swung it at Kingdra. Steelix hit Kingdra with it's tail, making Kingdra slam into the ground. "Kingdra, use Hydro Pump!" Toru shouted. Kingdra charged a huge beam of water and shot it at Steelix, making it fall over. Steelix got up and roared loudly. "Steelix, use Iron Tail again!" Justin said. Steelix lifted it's tail and swung it at Kingdra. Kingdra was damaged by the attack again.

"Kingdra, finish it off with a Water Gun!" Toru shouted. Kingdra fired water from it's mouth and shot it at Steelix, damaging it and causing it to faint. Justin called Steelix back to it's Pokeball and grabbed his next one. He threw it forward and sent out Scyther. "Scyther, use Slash!" Justin shouted. Scyther flew forward really fast and delivered a fast slash to Kingdra, hurting it and making it fall to the ground. Toru called Kingdra back to it's Pokeball and grabbed his next one. He threw it forward and sent out Pinsir.

"Pinsir, use X- scissor!" Toru shouted. Pinsir rushed forward and cut Scyther with it's horns. Scyther cried in pain. "Scyther, use Cross Slice!" Justin shouted. Scyther flew forward and crossed it's sharp knife like claws. It cut Pinsir, damaging the bug Pokemon. "Pinsir, use Mega Punch!" Toru shouted. Pinsir covered it's fist in an orange aura and punched Scyther, sending it flying towards Justin. It landed in front of him and fainted.

Justin called Scyther back to it's Pokeball and grinned. "Looks like it's time to get serious. Go Moltres!" Justin shouted as he grabbed an ultra ball and threw it forward. Moltres came out and squawked loudly. "Moltres, use Flamethrower!" Justin shouted. Moltres opened it's beak and shot a flame of fire at Pinsir. The attack hit Pinsir and made it faint instantly. "Woah! That thing is powerful! I might have to get serious too!" Toru shouted. He called Pinsir back to it's Pokeball and grabbed an ultra ball and threw it onto the Battle Area. Raikou came out of the Ultra Ball and roared loudly.

"A battle between Legendary Pokemon! Things are heating up now!" Toru exclaimed. "Yep!" Justin said. "Ok! Raikou, use Thunder!" Toru yelled. Raikou roared loudly and a dark cloud formed above the battle area. It began to cackle with electricity. Suddenly, bolts of Thunder rained from them. "Moltres, dodge!" Justin yelled. Moltres twisted and dodged most of the Thunderbolts, but one hit it's wing and it was sent flying towards the ground.

"Moltres, can you still battle?" Justin asked. Moltres tried to flap it's wing, but couldn't. "Right. Return!" Justin said as he pointed the ultra ball at Moltres and called it back. He grabbed his next PokeBall and threw it forward. Suicune came out.

"Suicune, use Ice Beam!" Justin shouted. Suicune opened it's mouth and fired a beam of ice at Raikou. "Raikou, use Volt Tackle!" Toru shouted. Raikou covered it's body in electricity and rushed at Suicune. Raikou slammed into Suicune, making Suicune go tumbling backwards.

"Suicune, use Mist!" Justin said. Suicune blew hard and suddenly the entire Battle Area was covered in a thick mist. "Raikou, keep your guard up!" Toru called out. Raikou looked around and suddenly, it was struck out of nowhere. It tried to dodge, but couldn't see where Suicune was coming from. Toru began to think of ideas. Then, one appeared in his head. "Raikou, use Mighty Roar!" Toru shouted.

Raikou roared loudly, causing all the mist to disappear. "What?!" Justin exclaimed. "Now finish it off with Volt Tackle!" Toru shouted. With the rest of its energy, Raikou covered it's body in electricity and rushed at Suicune. Raikou slammed into Suicune, making it go flying backwards. It crashed into the ground and fainted. Raikou fell to its side and also fainted due to exhaustion. Justin and Toru called their Pokemon back to their Ultra Balls and grabbed their next PokeBall. Justin sent out Venusaur and Toru sent out Charizard.

"You know youre at a disadvantage, right?" Toru asked. "Yep! That doesn't mean I'll give up!" Justin said. Toru grinned. "Ok Charizard, use Seismic Toss!" Toru shouted. Charizard flew towards Venusaur and grabbed it. Charizard flew into the air with Venusaur in it's arms and began to spin really fast. It dive bombed towards the ground while spinning really fast. It threw Venusaur into the ground hard, making the entire stadium to shake. The dust settled and Venusaur had fainted.

"In One move..." Justin said in pure shock. No one in the crowd made a noise. Even the Announcer was shocked until he cleared his throat. "With that amazing battle, the Winner is Toru! This means him and Ashton will battle for the chance to become champion of the Johto Region!" The Announcer exclaimed. The crowd cheered loudly.

Toru and Justin both called their Pokemon back to their PokeBalls before Toru walked forward. "You did great Justin," Toru said. Justin smiled. "Yep. You're a lot stronger than me. I'll admit that," Justin said. Both trainers stuck their fist out and fist bumped each other. They both turned and walked out of the stadium. They got to the waiting room and saw Ashton waiting for them. He looked really sweaty and tired. "Woah, what happened to you?" Justin asked. "It was... A team Rocket guy..." Ashton said exhaustively. "Explain," Toru said as he and Justin sat beside him. Ashton took a deep breath and began to tell them the story.

End of Episode
Next episode: Thief at the Trainer Plaza!

Word count: 1503 words

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