Chapter 23 Part 1

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Song to the side: Kids In The Dark by All Time Low.

IDK why I'm just addicted to this song! ^^

Picture of Ally to the side!

--Drew Borden

I slowly make my way to Ally's door. My body sways back and fourth as if I'm drunk or tired or even injured. I stop in front of Ally's door to catch my breath, but I don't know why I'm having trouble breathing. I lean up against the door, and as I do I look around. This isn't Ally's house. This is my house. This is my door that I'm leaning on, but Ally's on the other side. I'm not for sure, but I'm going with my gut.

Swinging the door open, I wish I hadn't walked in. Ally's laying on the floor with empty pill bottles laying around her. My eyes get blurry and I fall to the ground. I try screaming, but when I open my mouth nothing comes out. I can't move. It's as if someone is holding me down, but who?

I open my eyes and gasp for air, only to be in pain by something sticking down my throat. People run in and they tell me to stay still and calm down. I do as they say when I realize they're nurses. They pull the object out of my mouth and I gasp for air once more.

"You scared the hell outta me boy," the nurse who took the object out of my mouth says.

"What was that?" I ask, only to be in pain again. I shield my eyes with my hand from the sun pouring in from the window.

"We put a tube down your throat and into your lungs to help you breathe," the nurse says. "By the way, you can call me Janet. I hate being called 'nurse' all the time."

"Where's Ally?" I ask eagerly.


I try to get out of bed, but pain strikes again, but it's all throughout my body this time. Janet softly places me back on my pillow and says, "Look, you've been asleep for about two days. Your body is still healing so you're going to be in pain."

I give her a confused look. What happened to me?

"Do you not remember what happened?" she asks, and I shake my head. "You got hurt very badly Mr. Borden-"

"Drew," I interrupt.

"Drew," she corrects herself. "A man by the name of Greg Christian is going to trial for almost killing you. If no one called, you could've died by blood loss."

"Called," I repeat. "Who called? Ally?"

"Oh yes Ally Christian," she responds.

I get out of bed, trying to ignore the severe pain that ran through my body.

"Drew I'm gonna need you to sit back down hun. You're not healed yet," Janet informs as she gets in my way.

"I need to find Ally. I need to know that she's okay," I say, tears springing to my eyes.

Janet sees how much I'm hurting and takes a different approach. "How about you sit back down and I'll go find Ally's doctor."

I sigh in defeat and nod. Janet smiles and helps me get underneath the covers of the bed. She holds up her pointer finger and walks out of the room. I lay back and close my eyes.

Pictures of Ally pop into my mind. When she was sitting outside of the principal's office and she looked up at me with her big blue innocent eyes. When she was in my arms the night of the party that Kate broke up with me and I was walking down the sidewalk. How beautiful she looked when we were dancing in my room. How mad and embarrassed she was after my dad came in on us.

I open my eyes, but things look different. The sun is gone and it's dark in my room. Janet walks by my door, peeking in before walking on. Seconds later she comes in through the door and turns the lights on.

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"You're awake!" she says cheerfully.

"No, what time is it?"

She looks at her watch, "It's nine o'clock exact. It's like your body wanted to wake you up on time."

"On time for what?"

"I talked to Ally's doctor and she's stable. She hasn't woken up at all, so you won't be able to talk to her. The doctor said you can see her though and he said you can see her at nine."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I ask.

"A wheelchair," Janet replies. "I'll be right back with one."

Janet jogs out of the room and comes back a couple minutes later with a wheelchair.

"Would you like some help?" Janet asks.

"No," I say, getting out of bed. Pain runs through my body, and I nearly collapse in the wheelchair. Janet pushes me out the door and down the hallway.

"What exactly got injured in me?" I ask.

"Your eye isn't swollen that bad anymore, but it is purple. We stopped your nose and lip bleeding, but your nose is broken if you hadn't noticed the metal piece on your nose."

I reach up and softly touch the warm metal piece covering my nose.

"Also," Janet continues. "You had some internal bleeding around your lungs and your heart due to some trauma. You also had some internal bleeding around your thigh which can lead to pain when you stand up."

"That makes sense now," I say as Janet slows me down until we stop in front of a room.

"This is it," Janet says and pauses before continuing. "Are you ready to go in or do you need a minute?"

I take a shaky breath and slowly exhale. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Janet opens the door to a dark room. She flips the light switch and suddenly everything becomes reality. Ally is lying on a bed with white covers rolled up to her waist. There's a tube going into her throat and a monitor beeping to the beat of her heart. She has a big red spot on her cheek and her bruised and cut arms are exposed for everyone to see. There's some bruises around her neck too. She looks peaceful, but not the good kind.

Tears spill out of my eyes as Janet rolls me closer to her. When I get next to her bed, I hold her hand. Janet realizes that she's interrupting and she leaves. I wipe my tears with my opposite hand and I wipe my hand on my hospital gown. I move the hair out of Ally's face and I wrap it around her ear.

"I'm so sorry, Ally," I manage to get out. Tears run down my face faster than rain sliding down a window. "I tried to help. I tried to, but I failed. I failed you Ally and I got you into this-" my voice cracks and more tears run down my cheeks.

I place my head on my hand, not letting go of Ally's hand with my other hand. I rub Ally's smooth skin on the back of her hand with my thumb. I breathe in a shaky breath before looking up at Ally, but when I see her face again I break once more. I let my head fall back down and I let the tears soak my hand.

"Th-this is all my f-fault, Ally," I cry. "I couldn't help you."

I look up at Ally's emotionless face once more, wondering if she can hear me. If I were in a movie, Ally would wake up right now and we would kiss, but this isn't a movie. This is reality.

And reality hurts.


I sit in my bed waiting for my dad. The doctors called him and told him that I was awake hours ago, but he was at work. The weird thing is, my dad never works that late.

Janet opens the door and says, "Right this way, sir."

My dad walks in and hesitates to keep walking when our eyes meet. He walks fast over to me and hugs me. I can smell some alcohol from him. I hug him back, but I can't seem to smile. He pulls away and looks at me. His eyes are red and puffy and his hair is messy.

"When you couldn't tell me why you skipped school, was this the reason why?" he asks.

"Somewhat. Ally's dad was hurting Ally and so the next day we skipped school."

"Drew, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't think it was that major. Why couldn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my secret to tell," I say honestly.

"Drew, we could've stopped it before it got this far," my dad says. "But never mind that. That's in the past, and we can't change the past. I'm just glad I have my son."

With that he hugs me again, and I gladly hug him back.

"I thought I could help, Dad. I thought I could protect her."

"I know, Drew. You have a good heart," my dad says, smiling. "I didn't want to lose both of you guys."

"I don't want to lose Ally," I say, tears springing to my eyes again.

"And you won't."

"Yes I will," I say, trying to blink away the tears.

"Why do you say that, Drew?" my dad asks, staring into my eyes.

I hesitate and take a deep shaky breath. "The nurse said that-" my voice cracks and tears start running down my cheeks "-she said that Ally...she has to go to a...a mental hospital."

The tears stream down my cheeks and my dad grabs my hand. I wipe my tears with my other hand and my body starts to shake. The tears drip off my chin and soak the cover beneath me. I gasp for air ever so often.

A mental hospital 236 miles away from me.


Wow, I'm crying at a fake story how pathetic am I?


Until next time!


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