Neuvillette ꧁rain and tears꧂

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i'm literally crying i love this man i'm saving up for him. anyway let's ignore how contrasty this fic is verses his other fic oooops. i finished the archon quest so i actually know him now and how court works💀💀

"i seem to be missing sincerity when i try to comfort others..."

brisk air blew threw your hair as you sat on your stool near the waters. the brush in your hand delicately applied a soft stroke of blue to the outline of the structure you saw ahead of you. the angle was perfect and the weather was clear.

finally holding up your piece, you smiled at it. it wasn't your biggest work. it was more like a practice. a small impressionistic piece of fontaine.

you gathered your tools after washing your brushes, covered your artwork up securely, and then set off back to the city. while walking closely by the water banks, you felt a drop hit your shoe. you looked over to your side thinking a fish had jumped and water splashed on you, but then two more drops fell onto your arm and face.

soon, the sky darkened and began pouring out water. you quickly used your vision to create a blocker above you so the rain wouldn't get on your supplies or yourself. careful not to slip on the rain you walked into the city having a clear image of your destination in mind. unlike most people, you knew why it rained.

you had long since made the connection that neuvillette was the hydro dragon of fontaine having seen him enough times after a trial. thinking back, there wasn't a trial why was your soft lover crying?

you wondered these things as you ascended to the place his office was at.
on your way there, you passed by two blonde haired people and one floating girl. one you knew to be navia, but you didn't know who the other two were.

not really paying them any mind you kept moving since you had one priority. walking inside, you released your power keeping the rain away. you greeted the melusine at the desk before knocking on the door on the right.

when you got no answer, you pressed your ear to the door. soft crying could be heard through the other side. you sighed with sympathy before saying, "neuvillette? it's you want to let me in?"

a soft whimper of your name could be heard through the other side.

"y/n..." a scattered breath came after.

a new flood of tears came out as you opened the door. he tried to stifle his cries, but to no avail. the tears kept pouring from his eyes, and the rain outside got heavier. you hastily put your things by the door and rushed to the desk with your arms out. "sweetheart what's wrong?" softly, your voice came out. it was a genuine question since there wasn't a trial today.

as you leaned down for your hands to touch his shoulders, he reached up for you and pulled you in. you landed on his lap where neuvillette's forehead pressed to your neck. his large arms wrapped around you and you pressed kisses to his hair. one of your hands came up to pet his hair while the other went around his back to rub circles into the fabric.

"it's can cry all you need to my precious sweet neuvillette..." you whispered to him while he trembled and softly cried into you. neuvillette didn't have a very loud cry, but still the sounds of his sorrow pained you.

you two stayed there for a while while neuvillette held onto you for comfort. his cries turned into shaky breaths and then eventually to even breathing with occasional whimpers.

he moved his head from your neck to take the opportunity to kiss your face and mouth. tears still fell from his eyes and you could feel some drop onto your face. his mouth kissed where his tears fell and he then returned to bury his face in your shoulder.

he cleared his throat before speaking, although it still came out a little shaky, " you..."

"it's no problem i'm available anytime you need me here." you reassured him and continued pressing kisses to his hair.

"do you want to talk about it?"

neuvillette nodded his head before speaking more calmly, "i seem to be missing sincerity when i try to comfort others. my attempt today was seem as rude and without feeling. i...was told i don't value human life..."

you were shocked. how could someone say that to another person? they must have not really thought about what position he is in. he may have a vast amount of authority, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have restrictions.

"my're doing a wonderful job. it may be hard for certain people to accept your sincerity, so they may brush it off as a lie. sometimes people make brash comments when they are hurting, but it's hard for even me to understand why they would feel the need to say you don't value human life.... i'm sure they will apologize once they have calmed down..."


"yes i believe the meantime you can hold me as long as you want, i'm not going anywhere."

nothing was said after that and neuvillette continued to hold you close. he even gave little kisses along your neck to calm himself down while he encompassed you in his arms.

"...i love you neuvillette."

he lifted his face up and pressed a kiss to your lips before telling you,

"i love you more y/n."

aodjejfjdnnvkkejckvo guys i would sell my house for him

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