After eating every drop of food left in my bowl and appreciating every bite. Licking the inside of the bowl as if I were some starved dog, and the truth was I might as well be. I left my utensils polished and shimmering in the morning light and punctuated the deed with a mighty belch. Odd how in the comfort of a full stomach, all of life's issues seemed to have less of a bearing upon me.
I looked around at my fellows, jarring at one another over their half full bowls of porridge, I wondered what I was to do next, so I stood leaving my bowl and spoon and took a turn around the room, inspecting the decor on the mostly barren stone walls. There was the occasional tapestry depicting the epic slaying of some dark beast or another.
I paused at an ancient Gobelin, slightly ripped and tattered at the edges I studied the deep reds that made up the thing, save for a single looming figure, clad head to toe in a dark grey cloak that was hauntingly familiar. A single white hand extended to reveal a-
"LINE UP GENTS." Benedict called from behind me. I straightened myself up and mentally plotted to examine it later, in case it depicted what my mind screamed at me not to believe and what my heart already knew to be there.
I stood on Percy's right like most of the strays did with their new brothers.
Benedict walked up to a young short sandy blonde boy who stood at a ragged version of attention next to Mutt, He looked at Mutt who straightened and called out.
"George (Mutt) Cobble, at your service." Catching on, the blonde boy stood taller and parroted his fellow.
"Steven (Stubby) Beggs, at your service." Benedict nodded in satisfaction before clapping him on the shoulder and moving to the next. I barely paid attention as the rest of the names were called, a bit preoccupied with my suspicions. I was pulled out of my reverie however when Percy called his name.
"Percival (pass out) Scott at your service." He seemed less than pleased that that was his nickname, which was probably why he never deemed it necessary to be used.
"Hey it's your turn." Benedict prompted quietly.
"Arthur (Sticks) No Name, at your service." I shouted zealously to make up for my lack of attention.
"No Name?" Benedict questioned.
"Sir I have no surname." I replied sheepishly.
"You are part of our family you take the surname of the family that claimed you." I looked to Percy who was smiling broadly.

In the name of courage.
FantasyA young man, tortured by his past, must learn to differentiate between courage and cowardice in a journey that may lead him to his death.