Griffon the Brush Off

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As Y/n, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie strolled through the park, Pinkie was in her usual high spirits, excitedly recounting one of Rainbow Dash's latest escapades. Her voice bubbled with enthusiasm, but her companions seemed less interested in the colorful details of Dash's adventures.

They eventually settled down by a picturesque fountain, the gentle sound of flowing water providing a soothing backdrop to Pinkie's ceaseless chatter. Y/n, his massive form dwarfing his pony companions, laid his head on his talons, his emerald eyes fixed on some distant point in the horizon.

Pinkie Pie continued to chatter away, her words filling the air like a cascade of confetti. Twilight, while supportive of her friend's exuberance, was also content to let her thoughts wander as she gazed at the tranquil waters of the fountain.

As the minutes passed, Y/n's powerful form seemed to grow heavier, and his eyelids drooped. He knew that his friends were safe and content, and in this peaceful moment, he allowed himself to drift off into a light slumber. His head rested on his talons, and he snored softly, his immense presence casting a serene shadow over the scene.

Even in his dreams, Y/n could hear Pinkie's excited chatter, and he found comfort in it. He knew that Pinkie's unbridled enthusiasm was a testament to her happiness and the bonds they shared. What better way to spend the day than with friends who were genuinely happy in each other's company?

And so, with the sun warming their backs and the gentle melody of the fountain playing in the background, Y/n embraced his brief reprieve, content in the knowledge that he was surrounded by friends who cherished his presence just as much as he cherished theirs.


Y/n's peaceful slumber was interrupted by a soft voice, barely more than a whisper. He slowly opened his eyes, finding Twilight Sparkle leaning over him, her purple eyes filled with concern. She had placed the book she had been carrying on the fountain's edge, and her tail twitched with anxiety.

"What's wrong?" he rumbled, lifting his head to gaze at his worried friend.

Twilight bit her lip, her gaze darting around as she spoke in hushed tones. "Pinkie Pie isn't around. I knew she headed off after Rainbow Dash, but I can't seem to find her. I've been searching all over town, and she's nowhere to be found. I also saw Rainbow Dash with a strange creature, a griffon, I think."

Y/n's heart quickened with worry as Twilight's words sank in. He knew how important Pinkie Pie was to their group, and the idea of her being missing troubled him deeply. "I'll go and search for her. You find Rainbow Dash," he said, determination in his voice as he stood up and spread his massive black wings. He couldn't help but give Twilight a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine, and she will too."

With that, Y/n took to the sky, scanning the city below for any sign of Pinkie Pie. He checked all of her favorite places in town, but his search yielded no results. Frustration simmered within him as he growled softly. Determined to find his friend, he soared higher into the sky, intending to broaden his search to the outskirts of Ponyville.

In his relentless quest, he eventually stumbled upon Pinkie Pie sitting alone in a clearing in the forest. Her head was lowered, shoulders shaking with sobs. Y/n's heart ached for his friend as he landed gracefully and approached her.

Pinkie's initial surprise at his arrival quickly gave way to relief as she realized who it was. She sniffled and asked, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Gilda?"

Y/n scoffed, his ears pinning back slightly in irritation. "And who in the moons is Gilda?" He couldn't understand why Pinkie was bringing up someone he had never heard of.

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