Jealous SGE

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Agatha would not care. Sure, you're talking to someone else after completely ignoring the hug she was about to give you, but you were also laughing with him?! She tells herself she doesn't care, but feels something bubbling up in her stomach. Jealousy. She thought she was the only one who could make you laugh like that! But in all honesty, she would be a bit upset, but wouldn't show it. She tell herself to be happy that you're having fun.

"Hey, if you're done with your little conversation, can we go? We're late."

Sophie would honestly be so offended that it's actually comical. She watches you laugh your ass off with some random guy. Eyebrows raised, eye's wide, jaw dropped, you literally want to laugh. She stares for a second, chin up, eyes the guy like he's something she stepped on, then flips her hair in your face, then walks off. 

"I'll take my leave now. Goodbye, to you and... whoever...this is."

Tedros would definitely make it a point to interrupt your conversation with some corny joke that no one laughs at. But honestly, he literally will keep talking, directing the conversation to himself, until you and the guy you were talking to are just watching him talking about something that happened yesterday. 

"Alright, so that's when I tell him-"

Hort will literally make puppy-eyes at you during the entire conversation you were having with that guy. The guy would probably be weirded out and walk away. He will literally whine complaints the whole time.

"Can we go now~?"

Aric wouldn't actually interfere in your conversation, he would just quietly stand behind you, making direct eye contact with the person you're talking to, picking his teeth with his rusty knife. The person your talking to immediately scurries off, leaving you very confused, but when you turn to Aric, he just gives you his crooked smile.

"Huh, I wonder why he left so fast, don't you?"

Hester wouldn't even care. As long as you were happy, she was happy too.

"Let me know when you're done with yapping, alright?"

Anadil is literally Hester Pt.2, though her rats would hiss at the guy you were talking to.

*cue aggressive rat sounds*

Rafal Mistral would also just stare at the person you were conversing with, not necessarily trying to scare him, but just wondering why you would be talking to some rando, when you could be talking to Rafal, himself. The guy would probably be freaked out by the relentless staring and would just leave lol.

"Are you two finished? Or can I go?"

Rhian Mistral would be Sophie 2.0 cuz this man is so offended, like what are you even doing? Will randomly burst into the conversation, spouting of all his achievements.

"Oh, me? Well, I run an all-powerful, magical school for the Good and Evil? And you?"

A/N: yay im finally finished with this chapter. also if you guys couldn't tell, i was trying out the tumblr writing style as well as the standard tumblr writing prompt lol. i literally love tumblr so much like the day it dies, i die. also sorry for Hort and Rhian, I just don't like them as much as the other characters, so it's hard to write for them. 

also, can you guys give me ideas for future headcanons? i'll try my best to do each one. bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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