Chapter 13

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"Father." Selena kept her face a composed, expressionless mask, while her mouth went dry and her heart pounded a furious rhythm against her chest. At least with witnesses around, he wouldn't do anything drastic like break her nose again, burn her, or use his belt on her. He cared too much for appearances to leave marks or create a scene in public.

Adam glanced between them and goggled. "Wait...what? He's your father? Oh, he's who you were trying to —"

Selena elbowed him sharply before he could finish that sentence and ignored his grunt of protest. "Let's just say impress with my initiative, shall we? And let's face it, Father. If I hadn't sn — I mean, come — on board, Mom and I would have been reading in the newspaper about how you and this whole ship were lost at sea. You're welcome."

"You may have saved us, girl, but don't think you won't get the reckoning of your life when we get home."

"No, of course not. Heaven forbid I get to make any choices of my own."

If Father had anything else to say, it was cut off by the arrival of a man who stood taller than Father by a head, with slick black hair greying at the temples and a clean-shaven face. His sharp grey eyes studied Selena, appraising. The man radiated power like the sun radiated light and heat.

"Come, now, Cassius, I'd say we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to your daughter. Didn't you tell me she graduated this year? It seems poor form to begrudge her a special trip to celebrate, and given her exemplary actions tonight, she's more than earned it."

Selena bit back a smirk and willed her racing heartbeat to still now that the immediate danger had passed. She hadn't expected this man, whom she recognized as Father's boss, Cunningham, to swoop in and keep her father in check.

"Yes, sir," Father agreed, despite the gruff, begrudging tone in his voice. The back of Father's neck flushed red, a warning tell, but he wouldn't act yet. If Selena played her cards right, he wouldn't hold this trip against her.

"Well, then, let's get back to the festivities. Everyone is safe, the ship is back on course, and the music in the lounge is divine. Miss Mendelson and Mr. McAllister, please join us. The two of you made a fabulous team from what I saw, and I'd like to discuss bringing Miss Mendelson on board our division. Cassius here has been talking about this day so often since he joined us. It only seems right to move forward with an internship leading to a potential job if all goes well, and I suspect that it will."

The three men turned their full attention to her as they waited for her reply. Selena kept herself from swallowing in dread at the last moment. Father knew her tells too well, and she couldn't afford to show weakness. Father's gaze was stern and expectant, a silent demand for her to say yes. Cunningham's gaze was shrewd and greedy like he'd discovered a prized treasure. Adam's gaze was hopeful, all puppy dog eyes complete with a goofy grin at the idea of them working together.

What a headache.

On the one hand, she needed more time to do recon and figure out what in the name of magedom she was getting herself into. On the other hand, joining the team might grant her the access she needed to gather her intel about the Bureau's special project.

Also, even though the Bureau might seem shady at first glance, they might have the best interests of the public at heart and were being framed by some group of radicals who opposed the project. Doubtful, but she had to gather and consider all the evidence before coming to any conclusions.

Selena finally settled on a vague, diplomatic response to buy herself more time to decide. "I welcome the opportunity to learn more."

A subtle nod from her father told her that, as she'd suspected, he approved of the way she avoided appearing overeager. If she wasn't going to say yes outright, he'd take this as the next best response.

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