Chapter 11

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Ironhide was showering with Will when a knock came to his door. "Hang on, baby. Be right back." Ironhide murmured, kissing Will's head.

"Hurry back. I miss you already." Will whined. Ironhide snorted, amused, and just threw his clean clothes on, minus a shirt.

"Who are you?" Ironhide asked, when he opened the door. A woman stood there, her age unknown.

"I'm your mother. Well, your biological one." She replied. When Will finished in the shower, after Ironhide told him what just happened, they sat down together.

"Who are you?" Will asked.

"My name's Maria. I'm Ryan's biological mother." Maria replied, glaring at Will.

"Why? After all these years, why come back now? And right after his grandparents died, because you hit them!" Will growled.

"I don't appreciate your tone, young man! Get out of my house!" Maria snapped.

"He's not goin' anywhere. Rose and Marcus gave me this house in their wills, and made sure they couldn't be altered or changed." Ironhide growled, glaring at his mother. As they sat back down, Maria turned to her son in all seriousness.

"Ryan, your father told me what happened. It's time for you to do your sonly duty." She stated.

"And that is?" Ironhide asked.

"Bail your father out of jail, and say in court you lied about your father beating you. We're a family, and your father told me what happened. Oh, and what happened between you and that Crystal girl? He told me about her too." Maria asked.

"First off, we broke up because she slept with him, because I refused to do so. Second off, I'm not doin' that because I'm not lyin' about what he did to me. He's done other things to me that I refuse to say what he did. He deserved what he got." Ironhide growled.

Maria glared at him. "You're our son! We did everything for you, you owe us!" Maria snapped.

"You abandoned me when I was a newborn! Justin abused me every chance he got! I don't owe you a damn thing!" Ironhide growled.

"I carried you for nine months and three weeks, plus pushed you out! Our lives got ruined because of you!" Maria shouted.

"You two fooled around as teens and got pregnant! I didn't ask to be created! You can only blame yourselves, because you know it wasn't my fault! And you abandoned me, right as soon as I was born! You didn't raise me, neither did Justin!" Ironhide shouted.

Maria was silent, but she was glaring at her son. "How old are you?" Will asked.

"Thirty-two, thirty-three in two months." Maria responded, seething with anger.

"And Justin?" Will asked.

"Thirty- three. He'll be thirty-four in a week. He's not much older than my... mother." Ironhide grumbled, feeling nauseous at saying the word.

"Hang on.. Epps is calling. Can I take this?" Will asked.

"You ain't gotta ask, baby. Go talk to him. I can handle things for now." Ironhide replied, giving Will a quick kiss. Will nodded, and went to go talk to his friend. Maria looked in shock and disgust.

"You... you're gay?" She asked.

"Bisexual and demisexual." Ironhide replied.

"So... I can still get grandkids?" She asked, hopeful.

"Not a chance. If me and Will ever do work out, we may adopt a kid, but most likely, we won't have kids. If we do, you and Justin won't have any part of their lives." Ironhide replied.

"And why not? And you better not adopt. Just have a surrogate or just have sex with Crystal. You and her made such a good couple." Maria ordered.

"No. I despise her. And I'm completely against surrogacy. Surrogates have no control over their own life or body. Not one bit. I hope it becomes illegal." Ironhide bluntly responded. When Will came back, he noticed Ironhide arguing with Maria again.

"Leave, and don't come back, you homophobic bitch. Contact me again, I'll get a restraining order against you." Ironhide snapped, slamming the door in Maria's face.

"Ryan! You open this damn door this fucking instant! You'd really do this to me your own mother?!" She screamed. Ironhide sat on the couch, the front door and any other doors that  lead into the house all locked.

"Baby?" Will asked.

"Call Peter." Ironhide stated.

"Prowl? Why?" Will asked.

"Just do it... please..." Ironhide muttered, looking at Will pleadingly. Will nodded, dialed a number, and held the phone to his ear.

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