Capital Oakenna

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"Please give me a day. I'll just say goodbye to the kids..." I requested.

Fortunately, the Vice Captain agreed, but he made it clear we should depart at sundown.

When Imaya was informed of our departure, she seemed anxious, but only nodded her head. The Vice Captain had also made it clear to her that she would be going with us after after showcasing her ability.

"I guess it can't be helped."

"Are you worried?" The Imaya I know is always calm and graceful, but when it came to the Eldritch creatures, she always thinks things things theough. Now that their existence might be revealed, it's normal to fear for their safety.

She removed her veil as if resigned, and sat at the table. Sunrise peeked at the horizon, and the sky bloomed to a beautiful shade of silvery blue hue with hints of yellow. Some strands of her strawberry blonde hair caught light and sparkled, illuminating her milky skin. Her clouded eyes blinked and she looked out with a clipped smile.

"I guess I didn't say it before, but the only family I've ever known is the eldritch."

My expression softened as her gaze turned distant towards the peaceful scenery. Though it was only for a brief moment, I felt a heavy emotion arise from her.

"They've treated me dearly, yet I committed a grave sin against them." Her voice cracked. "I know some humans are good, but that would also mean there are some who are bad."

Imaya shifted her eyes to me, and I saw fear haunting her eyes.

"I won't be able to forgive myself if something bad happens to them because of me."

"Nothing will happen to them." I reached out to hold her hand. "The Vice Captain is a good man. He will not let that happen."

Her face tensed as if I said something wrong, but she nodded.

"I hope so..." She muttered as she quickly clipped her veil back on at the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. When I turned at the kitchen entrance, a tall knight was standing there.

"Sir Klein?" I stared at his smiling face.

"Good morning, ladies."

"Uh. Good morning. Did we wake you up?"

He shook his head as he walked to my side. "I was awake before you even arose."


"You said you were going to visit some people. I came down to escort you."

I immediately shook my head. "You don't need to."

"Miss Cher..." His smiling eyes narrowed, and I felt a strong pressure weigh down on me. "Just because the dark seer was caught, doesn't mean you're free from danger. There may be others who are in hiding."

I pursed my mouth and thought about his words. Maybe this is why I'm being asked to go to the capital, as it's easier to protect me in their own territory.

"I see." I sighed. "Then I will be relying on you for today, Sir Klein."

He nodded. "You'll always be safe with me, Miss Cher."

"I'd like to bid my farewell with you, as well. It will be a long time before I see those kids again." Imaya stood up and I nodded as I got off the chair.

The boys felt sad to hear news of our trip, so we promised to write them letters. Nonetheless, it didn't make it easier for the kids to accept our farewell. Theobald, in particular was furiously wiping his tears.

"When you come back, I'll have become a knight by then!" He uttered while crying, so I hugged the child to comfort him.

"I have no doubt you will become a splendid knight. You are both brave and kind, Theobald."

"I will also become the best scholar!" Rainerus declared tearfully.

"I... I will-" Galeren seemed clueless on what to say, and Imaya must have noticed as she pat him on his head.

"Our little Galeren will become anything you want to be. There is no need to follow after your friends, because Galeren is a special kind."

"That's right Galeren!"

"Miss Imaya is always right." Rainerus nodded.

"Who are these kids?" Klein piped in from behind, surprising the children who looked up at his towering figure.

"A g-giant..." Theobald gasped, his tears drying.

"We're Miss Cher's saviors!" Rainerus proudly answered.

"Savior?" Klein sat down to look eye to eye with the kids.

"Miss Cher suddenly appeared all bloody in Ashinlu one night! We found her and ran to get the doctor for help!" Theobald narrated, after recovering from shock.

"Like a real knight." I chuckled. "Anyway, where's Mr. Sam?"

"I-I'll take you to him!" Galeren quickly offered so I walked with him after a grateful nod.

"Who are those men with you?" Galeren asked after we walked quite a distance.

"They're our friends. They came to help us travel to the capital." It wasn't the truth, but it wasn't a lie either.

"The man with the white hair... He looks scary."

I looked at Galeren's anxious voice while recalling Sir Klein's smiling face. "He might be scary because he's big, but he's a good man."

"N-no... It's not his towering height... Just- A while ago... He looked..."

I waited for Galeren to finish his words, but was ultimately interrupted when we arrived in front of Mr. Sam's doorstep, and the door was coincidentally open, allowing him to see us from inside his house.

"Miss Sie-oh. Cher. Sorry, I always forget. Little Galeren, as well. Come in, come in." The elderly herbalist warmly welcomed us, tugging a smile on my lips.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so early in the morning." I apologized, as I sat in his living room. Unlike our house, his was filled with herbs, and various equipments for making potions. It smelled of dried leaves, soothing to an herbalist's nose.

"Not at all! It's always a pleasure to have a young and talented herbalist like you visit an old person like myself. Tea?" Mr. Sam offered as he quickly set tea cups on the table without waiting for my response. I couldn't turn him down.

"Of course, milk would be best for little Galeren here, so that you may even grow taller." He chuckled jokingly, and I joined him as I glanced at Galeren's deep expression.

He seems very worried about something.

"So, is there anything I can help you with?" He soon sat with us with tea in his hand.

I shifted my gaze away from the child to look at the elder, while shaking my head. "Actually, I came to say goodbye... Imaya and I will be going to the capital to visit a friend of mine."

Mr Sam's eyes widened then he nodded as if in understanding. "I see... Is it because of the appearance of the gentleman with white hair? Are you related?"

"No... He's from the south." I took a sip of the bitter tea he always makes. I would probably miss it later despite hating it now. "It's just as well that my friend from the capital is inviting me to go over. Maybe... I might be able to seek answers to some of my questions there..." I've been pondering about the opportunity to visit the largest library in Oakenna now that I am left with no choice but to go there. Maybe I can find useful information about Biyya.

She's the only one who seems capable of answering my questions. I'm hoping she's real despite the novel's lack of mention of the tree after one of its leaf was consumed by the protagonist.

I can't keep being clueless about why I exist here and why my blood can cure.

Most of all, the innkeeper's obsession with me is strange. He'd been muttering about wanting to bleed me dry during Sir Alfred's investigation as if he knows what I'm capable of. If people can figure out my ability, it leaves me at a disadvantage.

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