Tw eating disorder talk
The 7 of them sat upon a smooth rock above the water in the middle of the reef.
Huddled in a circle, the order was Neteyam and on his right was Ao'nung, then Tsireya, Lo'ak, Tuk, kiri and finally Roxto.
Everyone around Neteyam was completely unaware of his current mind set.
Having just thought he lost Kiri, brought him down deep, quickly.
"Breathe in from down here, and out slowly" Tsireya says while placing both her hands gently on Loaks stomach and chest
Neteyam blanked out just staring at Ao'nung. Wondering what was going through the boys mind.
His thoughts wondered farther and farther the longer he stared, distracting himself from his rising emotions.
"You alright Forest Boy?" Ao'nung whispered leaning over to Neteyams ear watching him stare.
This pulled Neteyam out of the trance he was stuck in
"What?" He asks shaking his head
"I asked if you were alright?" Ao'nung repeated
"Oh yeah, sorry just daydreaming" Neteyam replied
"Here let's check your breathing" Ao'nung says, placing his hands on Neteyams stomach and chest, the same way Tsireya did to Lo'ak.
"Breathe in" he said
Neteyam compiled
"And breathe out" he said
Neteyam did so, feeling his heart beating faster and faster, staring to silently hyperventilate, the longer Ao'nung kept his hands on his skin.
He wanted it so bad, but everything in his mind was telling him not to.
Ao'nung noticed this but kept quiet for Neteyams sake.
"Very good, just like that" he said aloud for everyone to hear
He glanced back to the group noticing they wernt looking. Before turning back to Neteyam and whispering
"I can feel your heartbeat, and your breathing. You're not doing well. Care to meet up with me again later to talk about it. I'll bring food?"
Neteyam gasped silently, taken aback by the caring tone Ao'nung had towards him.
Ao'nung truly cared about this boy, though not have knowing him long, understood everything about him.
"I'm fine, but I'll take you up on the offer, just because I like your cooking" Neteyam whispered back to Ao'nung
"Just the cooking huh, and I know your lying, your not fine, I can feel your heartbeat" Ao'nung whispered
"Yeah you're right, I'm sorry" neteyam said, his ears drooped, eyes at the floor.
"No need to apologize, Forest boy. I'm here for you, meet me at the same spot as last night" Ao'nung said
Ao'nungs voice rung in Neteyams ears, like a soft whistle in the wind.
A silent tear drips down Neteyams face.
Unnoticed by everyone but Ao'nung, whose face dropped suddenly seeing the boy in front of him distraught.
Neteyam wanted to feel happy, but his thoughts in that moment was preventing him from that.
The thoughts he was having kept around the same topic from disappointing his parents, to not being able to protect his siblings.
Ao'nung pulled his hands away gently as to not overwhelm Neteyam even more. Who in return instantly felt cold, feeling the warmth of the other boys hands on his chest leave.
"Okay guys, let's test your new breathing technique in the ocean" Tsireya says standing up pulling Lo'ak along with her by his hand.
Neteyam noticed a slight blush on his face. Turning to Roxto who was smiling wildly at the scene in front of them.
Neteyam felt a weight lift off his chest, seeing his younger brother happy, it made his heart flutter. In turn forgetting everything he was thinking.
Ao'nung just sat there watching Neteyam smile. Smiling himself seeing the other boy happy.
Before getting up and following the rest of them out into the ocean.
Hours pass and it is now past eclipse.
The everyone in the village is asleep, all but a certain Metkayina heir and the young mighty warrior himself.
Neteyam for once struggled to stay awake. He was tired from the day. From the lesson. From the thoughts that flooding him the whole day.
He realized it was time to meet Ao'nung again for the second night in a row.
He got up quietly and snuck out of his family's mauri, without a sound.
Neteyam liked the silence, only surrounded by the faint crash of waves nearby.
He headed down to the same spot on the beach as last night.
Seeing Ao'nung sat on the blanket, a small range of foods in front of him.
Neteyam took in a deep breath, trying to push away both his tiredness and his thoughts.
"Hey forest boy, glad to see you made it. Come sit" Ao'nung calls gently from his seat
Neteyam walks over, calmly sitting down across from the teal boy.
"What wrong forest boy?" Ao'nung asks stretching a hand with a piece of fish on it to Neteyam
Neteyam having felt all the feelings and thoughts he had today kindly declined the fish. Not wanting to eat, just to feel something again other than the raging storm that what his mind.
"Nothings wrong I'm just tired, and I've already ate. Im sorry you made all of this for nothing" Neteyam said looking anywhere but at Ao'nung.
"Neteyam, I know you're lying. You haven't eaten today. Please just eat something, I don't want to see you in pain" Ao'nung said pushing the fish back into Neteyams hand.
"Thank you" He said pulling off a bit of fish and putting it in his mouth. Enjoying the taste but hating the feeling.
"So what's up, why were you breathing very heavily and hyperventilating today?" Ao'nungs asked
Neteyam felt a sudden urge to break down, thoughts coming back about the events from the day.
A tear drips down his cheek.
"Hey what's wrong" Ao'nung says again scooting closer to Neteyam, wrapping his arm around the other's shoulder in a calm embrace.
In that moment Neteyam calmed down, feeling Aonungs touch on him body, calmed him.
Eyes still red, he spoke "Kiri really scared me today, I thought I lost her. What would my parents say if I lost her, they'd never forgive me. I'd never forgive myself"
"Kiri is her own woman Neteyam. You don't have to be responsible for her or anyone at that matter, you're not her parent. It's not your fault, it would never be your fault. Plus I've seen Kiri dive, she's very special. The way she interacts with the sea creatures and how well she holds her breath. She is fine. Everything is fine" Ao'nung said stroking Neteyam shoulder with his hand.
"I know but I'm her big brother, I have to protect her otherwise who is. No one protects me so I protect everyone else" Neteyam says more tears falling from his big yellow eyes
"I get it, Tsireya is a handful. But you have to let them live, your not always going to be nearby" Ao'nung says
"I know, I know, I can't help it. It's just how my brain works and I hate it. I want something just for me for once" Neteyam says
"You have me. I'm your friend" Ao'nung says handing another piece of fish to Neteyam. Still by his side holding him close
"Your my friend?" Neteyam asks, taking the fish from the others hand
"Of course, we are very similar. It's comforting don't you think. We understand each other" Ao'nung says a blush gently dancing on his face, unnoticed by Neteyam.
"Yeah you're right we are" Neteyam said finally leaning into Aonungs touch.
Resting his head on the other boys shoulder.
"Thank you, for forcing me to eat" he says slowly drifting off.
"It's not a problem, I wouldn't want my friend to starve now would I?" Ao'nung asked
When he got no response, his eyes drifted down to Neteyams seeing that he was asleep.
So peacefully.
Ao'nung smiled to himself before leaning back onto the blanket pulling Neteyam along with him slowly as to not wake the tired boy.
Letting Neteyam rest his head on his outstretched arm. Lying on his side, huddled close to the shorter boy.
"Goodnight Neteyam, sweet dreams" He whispered gently in his ear.
They both fall asleep next to each other, under the stars. Calmness filling both minds.
1334 Words
Sorry for not updating I've had absolutely no motivation to do anything at all. But here it is and I hope you enjoy.