First Steps

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I almost threw myself off of the airplane when we arrived 7 hours after taking off. My legs wanted to chop themselves off. All I felt were pins and needles beneath my jeans. I dug through my carry on and shoved my hotel address in my back pocket so I could catch a cab as soon as I got my luggage. I found both my duffel bags and ran for the door. I got the strange sense someone was following me, so I booked it. I heard the footsteps running as well, so I turned a corner and tripped them when they came around.

"What the fuck?" He shouts.

"Why are you chasing me!?" I yell.

"You dropped a paper out of your pocket and it looked important."

"What are you-" I feel my pocket. "Thank you." I mutter.

"Yeah. Can you help me up at least?"

"Sure. Sorry." I say and pull him up.

"What's your name tourist?"

"Rachel. I'm actually going to be living in California."

"Where you from?" He said. I got a better look at stalker boy. He had a slight quiff on his ash brown hair, grey eyes, and wasn't that bad looking for slamming on the floor a few seconds ago.

"Connecticut." I responded.

"Oh. Never heard of it." He says and I stare at him for a minute.

"Kidding. Kidding. What made you move?" He asks and I froze.

"Needed a new life." I say.

"Rich girl?"


"Good! I'm Ashton, by the way. Where are you headed?"

"A hotel in San Francisco. What brings you to the airport?"

"Dropping off my sister. She's headed to Afghanistan."

"Oh. Are you good with that?"

"No, but I'll go with the flow. How old are you anyways?"

"Twenty. How about you?"

"Same! Where's that hotel you're staying at?"

"Not sure. The name is Bell Stan."

"The drug joint!?" He shouts and my eyes go wide.


"It's where everyone deals their weed and cocaine."

"Great. So much for 3 star hotel."

"I have an idea! My cousin works at some hotel around here. We could get you a few nights there. I'd ask you to stay with me, but I don't want the burden." He smirks to show he was joking.

"That would be great. I don't want to be shot on my first night in San Francisco."

"C'mon. It's only-" he pauses to check his watch "10 am. Lets get some food at a pancake place down the road."

"Thank you so much!" I say and follow him. We get to a small black Toyota and he takes my bags. He chucks them in the trunk. I go sit in the passenger seat and take out my phone. I call my Aunt Mary.


"Hey! I'm here. I'm going to breakfast now."

"Oh by yourself?"

"No someone I met is taking me."

"A boy?"


"Get away from him." She says and I laugh.

"Relax. He's safe. The hotel I was going to stay at was....full and his cousin is getting me a room. He's safe."

"You're sure?"

"Positive. I love you. See you later."

Ashton buckles his seatbelt and starts driving to whatever pancake house we were headed to.

"Boyfriend?" He asks pointing to the phone.

"No. My Aunt."

"Did you run to be with your boyfriend?"

"No I don't have one."

"20? And no boyfriend?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, but it's different."


"I'm a guy and more attractive."


"Chill beauty queen."

"I'm not a beauty queen."

"Obviously." He laughs.

"Again! Hey!" I laugh and he smiles at me.

"So. Really what made you move? why choose California?"

"I've always loved California. The move just came to me."

"Sure it did." He says sarcastically.

"I can't be spontaneous?"

"You don't look like the spontaneous type."

He was right. I was never and would never be spontaneous. Funny how he noticed after knowing me for only half and hour.

"So. What made you move?"

"I'm lame and wanted to be different."

"That makes more sense." He jokes.

We pull into what looks like a cheap iHop. I hop out, still gripping my carry on bag. He stops and stares at me for a minute while I lean against the car.

"What?" I ask.

"No one is going to steal your bag. Leave it in the car."

"I'd rather not."

"Fine. Lug it around like a little purse dog." He laughs.

"I will." I smile and walk toward the cheap iHop. He catches up with me as I walk in.

"Hey! Don't abandon me yet. I'm your ticket for food."

"Are not! I have money." I shout and the waitress walks toward us.

"Seat yourselves in this place." She fake smiles and walks away.

"Friendly." Ashton mumbles and she shoots around and glares at us.

"Nice job." I whisper and he shrugs his shoulders.

We sit down at a corner booth. I scan through the menu. The Blueberry pancakes catch my eye and I put the menu down on the table. We place our orders with the sassy waitress and I'm pretty sure she was going to spit in our food. Shit. I was looking foreword to a good meal for once. Fast food had been my best friend since my parents died. Hell, it was my best friend before they died.

"Enjoying the sights of California so far?" He asks.

"Yeah. I just love the brown water spots on the ceiling from leaking pipes." I say sarcastically.

"Get use to it princess. That's all you're ever going to see in California."

"Not true. I could do anything if I put my mind to it."

"Let me guess, you're a singer."

"Poet, but I know I can't make it in that area. No one appreciates it anymore."

"I do." He says and his eyes are glazed.

"You write?"

"Yeah. All the time."

"You'll have to read me a poem some time."

"I'd love to." He said and smiled.

We spend the rest of breakfast talking about poetry and things I HAVE to see once I get settled. He swore he was going to be my personal tour guide whenever I wanted something to do. I was just happy to have a friend. They always say first steps are the hardest, but these steps were so easy to take.

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