Make Me

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The game played out over the span of several weeks. Danny did what he did best, be the biggest and most absolute brat he could muster. When Fox would call, it is a daily thing, Danny would whine and bitch at them. Call them names that probably would make the devil blush. Fox would just give a breathy laugh, calling him a funny bunny. Danny would rage, flipping off the phone.

"Stop flipping off your phone, bunny. It is doing no good." Fox told him not long after the first call. Danny stopped what he was doing. His eyes turned to the camera in the kitchen.

"You son of a bitch. You are watching me."

"Of course, I am."

"I am going to kick your ass when I finally get my hands on you. You sick fuck. I bet you put a camera in my bedroom!" Danny yelled.

"NO." The word was firm, shaking Danny out of his rant. "Bunny, the one thing I will not be is watch your intimate moments. Now, I will not allow anyone to touch you, but I will not scoop so low to watch you in the bed or bathrooms."

Danny looked up to the ceiling where his room was. "By all means, search. I can send you the latest scanner to detect hidden cameras."

"You said that you are a person of your word. Do not make me regret not gutting my house." Danny ended the call. He glanced back at the camera. Flipping it off, Danny went about his day.

Danny had a few tech savvy friends, the kind that could end up on a watch list one day. They worked at the unknown number that called him. Untraceable. They tried to hack into the security company's computer system. If there was a way in, it was way above their skill level. It looked to be no way to find the sneaky fox.


Danny was packing for a trip. There was a comi-con in Atlanta, and he was going to enjoy himself. Uki was dancing about his feet. There was a toy in her mouth, a stuffed fox. Danny did not buy that. He took it from Uki and went to the kitchen with Uki on his trail, trying to get it back.

"HEY ASSHOLE! Did you bring this into my house?" Danny waved the toy at the camera. His phone rang. "OMG, do you just sit there watching me all day, stroking your tiny penis?" Danny snarled into the phone.

"No, the 'hey asshole' got my attention. I assumed you were talking to me." Fox laughed a bit.

"Of course, you would have audio feed." Danny grumbled under his breath. "Now, you have been in my house recently. Why?" Danny held up the toy.

There was a beat. "I missed Uki." Fox replied. The changer device hid the emotion in Fox's voice.

Danny looked down at his dog who was prancing about. "You...miss my dog. What do you do when you are here to see her?" Danny was confused and concern.

"Place the phone on speaker." Fox told him. Danny did. "Uki, sit" Fox started to give a list of commands to the pup. She performed them perfectly. "Now, her treats are under the counter where you keep the large mixing bowls. Back in the corner." Fox told Danny.

"This is why she was fatter. I thought she was getting into the tub of dog food when I'm not home." Danny went to get the treats. Expensive stuff. Uki was getting spoiled by his stalker.

"No, she is just a good girl." Fox voiced. "Listens better than you."

"No shit. Well, you probably already know that I am going away from the weekend. I am the only one allowed to pick up Uki from the dog care so..."

"Yes. I will be away so I will not be able to contact you."

"Oh, I get a break from you. Awesome." Danny made sure his words were dripping in sarcasm. Silence. Did he upset Fox? Why did him suddenly feel bad? "So, are you going away from business?"

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