Chapter 22: Continuation...

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When they got in the place Kazuha looked at the food, Scaramouche just looked at him while he started to order some sakura mochi.

After Scaramouche ordered they decided to stay at the bench and eat it there.

Kazuha POV:

I started to taste the sakura mochi and it tasted good, as i continued to eat i noticed that Scara was looking at me and he barely touched his food.

"Scara?.. why are you not eating? I thought you were hungry?.."

I said as i stopped eating and looked at him concerned, i noticed that he started to blush as he looked at me, i noticed him slightly opening his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Scara? Are you alright?"

I asked him again, i was starting to get more concerned that he wasn't talking, then finally i heard his voice again.

"Yeah, I'm fine.."

He replied to me, i was glad that he was alright and nothing really is going on in his mind, that's what i know...

"Then, why aren't you eating?"

I repeated my question to him then i noticed him slightly smiling, that cute little smile that he never showed to almost anyone except me...

Then a voice interrupted me from admiring his cuteness when he smiled, he was answering my question, oh Archon, how come i forgot about my question when i just saw him smile?

"I'm just not in the mood to eat.."

I was quite confused but just shrugged it off.
"Alright then, if you say so."

I said as i continued to eat my food as i talked to him, not wanting to have silence between the both of us.

After eating for a while i stood up and i noticed him looking at me.

"Do you wanna go now?"

He asked me quietly as he put his food away and stood up to be the same height as me, well not really the same height.. he's still shorter than me.

"Sure, we can go"

I replied to him as i watched him holding his food in his other hand.

Scaramouche POV:

I looked at Kazuha as i could feel a slight blush appear on my face, i tried to brush it off and proceeded to walk beside him.

We were walking together until he saw a library, i knew he was interested in going because of how much he was looking at it. I wish i was the library so he could look at me that way...


As i looked at him i sighed and decided to speak.
'Do you.. wanna go inside?'

I asked, while i stayed beside him, he looked at me and nodded.

'yeah, I'd love to.. If it's fine with you of course..'

I looked at him with my serious face but deep inside i was really touched on how he cared not only about his feelings but also for me.

I just replied with a slight nod as i walked to the library waiting for him to follow me.

We went inside the library and there were so many books, i mean.. it's a library of course there's a lot of books, dumbass.

As we got inside i saw how kazuha immediately went to the pile of books and searched for something, i just stood there while waiting for him to finish picking the book we wanted to read.

I saw him pick the book and immediately sat down, he invited me to sat beside him and my heart started to flatter as i heard his request, but i didn't go against it.

I sat beside him feeling a little awkward on how close we were together before of the chair.

Authors Note Starting...

Word used: 626

Wow!! After a months i'm back!! Sorry for the long pause i just didn't really know what do with this story and i kinda lost my motivation on doing this story, and i had been playing genshin for 25/8, but yeah i hope you all like this chap sorry again and sorry for this being short(like scara and xiao)!!

Authors Note Ending

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