-2nd Lesson: Hobbies-

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After the big dinner, Killer and Horror went back to the living room, while Dust went back to his room on the second floor. Error and Nightmare remained on the kitchen.

Error was sitting in the corner of the kitchen, suspended in a hammock made of his own strings as he played cat's cradle with himself while Nightmare was by the sink cleaning up son dishes, tentacles lifeless on the floor.

Well, that went better than I expected, I thought you were going to be a picky eater." Nightmare said. The glitched gasped and put a hand on his chest dramatically, sitting up on the hammock the swing had turned into. "E-excuse you-u?! You should be glad I-I-I decided to cooper-per-perate!" This only made Nightmare chuckle.

"Ar-ar-are you making fu-fun of me-me?!" The monster hissed, voice glitching more than usual. "It's hard to take you seriously when your voice glitches like that buddy." 


"Aww you're no fun. Wait actually, I have to ask you something, Do you-" Before The king could finish the glitch groaned and made a whole ass scene like a little kid that didn't get what they wanted got. "U-U-UHG! YOU KNOW WHAT? I-I-IM NO IDIOT, I CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOUR STUPID TE-TE-TEACHING, A-ASSHOLE!"

And then he just... stormed out to the anti-void? In normal circumstances he would have started wrapping people up in his strings and attack, but he didn't. Is he actually going to take the truce seriously? If Nightmare had to be honest, he would have thought the truce was only going to last a century was because he was going to have to stop error from massive destruction.

'That's actually good...' 'He usually doesn't take things seriously.' Nightmare thought.

He should maybe go apologise? I mean he didn't do anything wrong, he only called him 'buddy' and then boom, one of Error's mood swings kicked in. He may have to remember to not call him that again.

Buuutt he could use the negativity Error is producing right now sooooo-

Uhg fine he'll go.


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After half an hour or so, Nightmare felt full and decided to go visit Error.

There's a teeny tiny problem tho.

Error isn't in the Anti-void.

Everything was intact, the beanbag, the box full of stolen chocolate bars, Even the classic plushie Error liked. Huh, did Error had a plushie of him? He has a plushie of everyone else-

That's not why he came here.

He focused for a minute to try and trace Error's negative feelings, they were really faint but he managed, and was teleported to... Outertale? Is he trying to destroy the AU? It's not emitting that much negativity so that can't be it.

Nightmare started walking in the dark alleys of the town, looking for the destroyer, he had traveled throughout almost all the main zones but still no luck, the little negativity he could feel was near Snowding so he headed there next.

And surprise surprise! There was the destroyer, deep in the forest sitting on the edge of a Clift, the stars painting the sky above him. He felt so relaxed, such an unusual feeling on the destroyer, in fact the only negative emotion he could sense from him was, strangely enough, shame.

With his calmest, least intimidating tone of voice, he spoke up. "Error?" Error's head whipped around so hard he was half expecting his skull to come out. "N-N-Ni-Nightmare-e?!" He shrieked before a long beeping sound ringed in his ears.

Whoops, Error crashed.

Nightmare walked over and sat down next to him as he waited for the loading bar on top of his head to finish loading. Though somethings were different with Error, first of all he was wearing glasses? 


And he seemed to be knitting with some sharpened bone attacks? Huh, why didn't he tell him when he asked about his hobbies? 

Just then Error woke up with his usual post-crash headache, looking forward to the stars. "H-huh... NI-nightmare?? What-at the actual fu-fu-fuck." He spoke softly a hand on his forehead as he groaned in discomfort.

"Welcome back. I spooked you that hard?" 

"We'll have you ever looked-"

Error stoped suddenly, staring at the King with interest "Woah

Error tilted his head, while Nightmare tried to remain still. And I mean really tried because some of his tentacles started flicking around. Almost as a dog's wagging tail...

 'Fucking slimy traitors.'

"W-what are you doing?" Error was leaning in quite close while inspecting his face for no apparent reason. "Never seen you with my glasses on-on before, you are actually-ly just as I pictured..."

And then as suddenly as he leaned in, he leaned back down with some faint blue blush that thankfully Nightmare didn't seem to notice. "So-so-sorry about that-that, heh I-I-I don't e-even need these!" He glitched out as he took the glasses off and threw them forward to the empty space before them. Obviously the glasses just started floating in front of them.

"Why didn't you tell me you knitted?" The octopus changed the subject while looking up at the stars, avoiding eye contact.

". . ."

"It reminds me of someone I should forget."

"I see. I shall not pressure the subject on you then." His tone shifted to a more serious one as he started to stand up, walking away from the glitch.

"Oh, and Error."

"Keep the glasses, they look good on you." The king didn't dare to look at Error as he said this, tentacles curling on themselves. The second he finished his sentence he teleported away, and a long beep sound started going off again.

'Teach him how to not be a creep in his free time'

Was now marked as done.

[THE HOMOSEXUALITY BEGINS!!! sorry for the delay, I'm actually not very happy with how this one turned out and I do think it feels kind of rushed but oh well. Next chapter Error gonna accept nightmare as his teacher again and we gonna get another info gathering! If you have any ideas for future lessons I'll be glad to hear them!

That's it for now ig, Buh bye <3!]

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