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×Dean POV×

24 minutes.
That was less than half an hour.
I've left them alone for not even half an hour and they managed to get attacked by a demon.

Angie might insist that they actually attacked him but there was something completely off about this story. Otherwise my brother wouldn't have that puppy dog look on his face. He felt guilty of something and she was covering for him.

If it wasn't so serious I would've maybe found it funny how they came back with Cas' help, one of them on each side of the angel as if they were kids who ran away and he was simply bringing them back to me.

But first things first: We had to figure out what that shiny thing was that just left the demons suitcase, which they managed to get during the fight.

"What the hell was that?", I exclaimed, staring into the air where the magic poofed away.

"That was a human soul-", Castiel started but interrupted himself to take a bite of his burger. "It's starting to make sense."

"Now, what about that makes sense?", Sam asked before I got the chance to.

"And when did you start eating?", I added.

"Exactly. My hunger is a clue, actually.", Castiel explained while still chewing. God, I thought angels were supposed to be graceful beings and here he was inhaling more burgers on one day than me in a whole week- which in my case actually meant a lot.

"For what?", Angie demanded to know. I'd say her tone was annoyed but her body language signaled that she was nervous.

"This town isn't suffering from some love-gone-wrong effect. It's suffering from hunger. Starvation, to be exact. Specifically, Famine.", Castiel told us, too distracted to rotate his burger to even care for our reactions.

"Famine?", Sam echoed.

"The horseman?", Angie followed up with, wrapping her arms around her middle.

"Great. That's freaking great.", I commented.

"I thought famine meant starvation, like, as in, you know, food.", Sam argued, pointing at Castiels burger, then rubbed his thumb against his chin in a nervous motion.

"Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something: Sex, attention, drugs...", Castiel enumerated, completely unaware that we were all very close to loosing our patience.

"Okay, but what about you? Since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?

"It's my vessel. Jimmy. His appetite for red meat has been touched by famines effect..."

Okay, this was bad. When even Castiels vessel was influenced, it was sure that every human in this town were defenseless against the effects too.
"So Famine just rolls into town and everybody goes crazy?"

Castiel nodded. "And then will come Famine, riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty. And great will be the horseman's hunger for he is hunger. He must devour the souls of his victims.", the angel quoted.

The souls?
So that's what Famine was actually after. His power source.
"Thats what was in the briefcase. The Twinkie dudes soul?"

"Lucifer has sent his demons to care for Famine, to feed him, to make certain he'll be ready.", Castiel announced and I couldn't ignore the ominous resonance of his words.

"Ready for what?", Sam asked. He looked expectantly at the angel who was peacefully taking another bite.

"To march across the land.", Angie answered in his place.

Destiny ~ Dean Winchester (love story), part twoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon