Media Attention

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Ever since Class A graduated, the media has been hounding Pro Heroes Red Riot and Dynamight about their possible romantic relationship status. The answer manages to stay secret... Kaminari ruins it by face timing Bakugou during a live interview. 





"So, Chargebolt, as much fun learning about your quirk is, I think it's time we get to the part everyone is waiting on," the interviewer gives Kaminari a sly wink.

Kaminari laughs and folds his legs up on the plush couch. Since the first time Kaminari forgot he was doing a live interview and pulled out his phone to FaceTime Bakugou, to tell him a random fact about jellyfish he remembered, it's become a Chargebolt interview tradition for him to FaceTime Bakugou.

Bakugou picks it up every single time. Even though he constantly complains about the amount of calls and stupid facts Kaminari infodumps. It's even better when others call Bakugou before and he ignores them just for him to answer immediately when it's Kaminari's turn.

He can deny it as much as he wants, but everyone knows Kaminari is Bakugou's favorite aside from Kirishima. There has been a time or two a rumor Kaminari and Bakugou are dating has circulated, but they quickly died out in favor of the rumors of more than friendship between Red Riot and Dynamight. Neither rumor has been addressed or confirmed.

Everyone from former class A and their teachers are aware that the couple has been together since the end of first year back at UA, and were joined by Midoriya late third year. None of them are ready to expose their relationship. It's not like it'll affect their hero rankings, they are too beloved in the media for anything to ruin that, but they don't want the publicity, the constant invasive questions about their love life rather than their careers.

Kaminari can't fault them for that. Him and Sero also didn't want their relationship plastered all over social media. Yet, having someone break into your home can cause a secret like that to get out in no time. The robber is doing jail time, but the damage is done. They took it in stride though. The news even helped Sero rise in hero rankings.

The blowout from Kaminari's relationship reveal took the attention off the speculation of Kirishima and Bakugou for a short while. It came back not long after.

He steeples his fingers with a maniacal grin. "I have some old friends supporting me from the audience today. I think we should have a few of them attempt to call Dynamight first. That way when he ignores them, but answers me, I can rub it in their faces."

"Oh," the interview turns to the live audience intrigued. "What other pro heroes do we have with us tonight?"

A few hands shoot up near the back of the room. Whenever they can, former class A try to show their support for their fellow heroes. Whether it be a congratulatory text after a particularly harsh fight, a visit in the hospital, or showing up at each other's interviews.

They don disguises when they sneak into interviews to keep from stealing the spotlight from their friend. Now, Mina, Sero, Todoroki, Shinsou and Jirou pull off hats, glasses, scarves and other articles of clothing used to hide their identities.

The interviewer claps their hands happily. "Oh, how fun. This is so exciting!"

Kaminari chuckles at their genuine excitement. "Come on up, guys," he waves his friends onto the stage.

The interviewer does not seem miffed one bit that their show was hijacked. Their mouth hangs open as the others squish onto the small couch with Kaminari. Sero lifts Kaminari, takes his seat then settles the other on his lap. Kaminari takes the man-handling in stride.

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