little girl pt. 2

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little girl pt. 2

Little girl-
Where are you?
I found fragments of your existence scattered in the walls.
Bits and pieces of you.
Hidden from sight.
Little girl-
No one would be able to find you without putting up a fight;
Breaking down the walls-
Busting down the dry wall-
Sledgehammering the wooden beams.
Little girl-
Can you hear me?
I am calling your name.
I am screaming for you to hear me.
My voice is growing hoarse.
But I refuse to give up searching for you.
I will find you.
I will save you.
Little girl-
I am looking for you; you're not alone anymore.
You will be no longer trapped in the walls you were discharged into.
The pieces of you are covered in dust.
Cobwebs are on your shoulders, mixed in your hair.
Dirt covers your face.
I want to clean you up.
I want to give you fresh clothes.
You deserve a bed to rest in.
You deserve a nice meal.
Little girl-
You deserve the little things in life.
I built a safe home,
And I'm here to welcome you.
The door is open for you.
You don't have to hide anymore.

Little girl-
It's time for you to come home.


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