001. made of gold

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Chapter one ✴ Made of Gold

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Chapter one ✴ Made of Gold

(ⁿᵒᵛᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ '⁷⁶)

A TIRED YAWN slipped from the girl's lips as she sat in the Charms class with the rest of her house, half paying attention as to what Professor Flitwick was saying. Her fingers flipped the page of tea-stained book sat on her desk, her chocolate eyes following every word. The girl found the old book in a corner of the library where only muggle-borns visit, full of stories wizards were not read when they were little. She can remember reaching out for the book when another hand closed on the spine of it. The girl shifted her gaze to a Hufflepuff that tried to take it, but with a simple look from her, he let go, muttering apologizes as he scurried away to his group of friends that were watching. She paid zero attention to them, walking towards Madam Pince to check out the book. Used to people glancing at her, talking in hushed whispers that were not really quiet, and just being almost terrified of her was part of her normal life.

The girl closes the book after finishing the chapter as her eyes flatter shut for a moment, before opening them and settling on the newspapers on her left side in a hands of her housemate. Her eyes trail over the letters, trying her best to stay composed by all the information that the papers holds. Another muggle-born family murdered, another muggle-born family tortured, another death, another torture to prove to people that he truly was evil.

And it was getting worse, scarier not only for the world, but for the girl also. Her parents were against the girl going back to school, fearing that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would come for her and her brother ─ mostly her. They feared that the Dark Lord would seek her because of the power that inhabits her blood, too powerful and wild for anyone to posses. But her family had for years and years, being cursed with power beyond even wizarding world had ever seen. People were banished for it, put into exile ─ her great-great-great-grandmother was murdered on the spot, her great-great-grandfather killed by his own wife after she found out and many more slaughter within Crimson family because of what they had to live with.

Seraphina Crimson was so much like her father, whether that be the darkness that looms over her or the way they both have those Crimson genes ─ dark hair ( hers has red-ish hue from her grandmother) and dark eyes with pale ivory skin ─ unlike her mother and brother who share significant Malfoy genes ─ pale grey eyes, white-blonde hair and pale skin with sharp features. But the dark power that flows through her veins made Seraphina a bit closer to her father ─ because he understood her more than anyone. After all, he had to go though everything she's going now, hiding from Gellert Grindelwald who tried to seek him and his family during the Global wizarding war.

Stephan Crimson and his sister were two different sides of the same coin. While both on the light side despite having people around them choosing paths to dark side, they were different yet same at the same time. But, what they both shared was their loyalty to what was right, never stepping foot out of the line of light and into the dark side. While most people in the house ventured into the dark side of Death Eaters, Seraphina and Stephan hid in the shadows on the power of their ancestors, never bringing too much attention to themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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