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"Do you like her?" questioned Regulus, with narrowed, searching eyes. "Is that why you're constantly going out of your way to talk to her?" Barty stared back amused.

"Is it so wrong to be friends with a Gryffindor?"

"She's a mudblood, Barty!" stated Lucius. Barty clenched his jaw momentarily at the insult towards Ara.

"Don't know that for sure! Besides, you know I don't give a damn about all that pureblood bullshit."

Regulus let out a frustrated puff of air, as Lucius rolled his eyes annoyed. "You're making yourself a target. You're my best friend, Barty, but I - I just want to understand. You've never concerned yourself with a Gryffindor or a mudblood before. Why now? Surely it can't just be because of her mysterious arrival, right?" Regulus asked, letting his perfected pureblood mask slip a little with genuine concern.

"It is... or it was."

"Was?" asked Lucius with an inquiring raised brow.

"Look. She's - Well, she's - " How was he supposed to explain Ara to them? He didn't even understand Ara. She was still a big mystery, and yeah, that's why he attached himself to her, but... it was different now. It felt different now.

"She's what?" urged Regulus.

"More than just some puzzle to be solved. I enjoy spending time with her. She's... a friend. And if you two ever pulled your heads from your arses, I think you'd like her as well. After all, she likes you two," he said confidently as he leaned back on his bed, against his headboard.

The two stared at him as if he had just told them the sky was brown.

"We've never even spoken once, how could she possibly like us?" questioned Lucius, confused, as Regulus nodded along, just as confused.

Barty couldn't help smiling to himself as he thought of all their previous conversations. "Even went as far as claiming you two could be her favorites over me."

They both scoffed, "Preposterous," stated Lucius with less venom in his voice than previously.

"Favorites..." mumbled Regulus quietly, his voice filled with disbelief.

Barty thought back to their second potions class together. His friends kept glaring at her throughout the class, which he had apologized for.


"It's okay, Barty, no need to apologize. Besides, I find their glares to be quite adorable."


She smirked as she tried not to laugh. "Adorable. I mean, Regulus may look all cold and distant, yet there he is, glaring at me like a little kid who just got his favorite toy taken away from him."

"Favorite toy? You calling me a toy?" He smirked as she let out a small laugh. "I'm saying that he cares about you. Same with Lucius. Many of you purebloods sure do struggle with the whole feelings and emotions bit. And many of them may try their best to lock it all behind a mask - because that's what they were taught to do. But... it still comes out in its own little ways."

"Like their glares?"

"Exactly, like their glares. You're potentially making yourself a target by talking with me, and they're worried. It's adorable seeing how much they care for you."

He got lost staring at her after that, as she prepped the ingredients for their potion.


"So what have you found out about her?" asked Regulus, curiously.

Barty thought about everything he learned or observed. All the things that just made him even more curious about her. She was lying about having amnesia. But why? He wanted so badly to know... but the reasoning for why changed. He meant it when he said she was more than just some puzzle. He was... worried. Could she be hiding? Was Ara Lovella even her real name?


Both Lucius and Regulus turned their stares onto him with incredulous expressions. "Nothing at all? It's been a week. Surely you must know something," asked Regulus.

"Her favorite color is black, her favorite dessert is chocolate pie, she's smart, talented, powerful yet holds back, she hates lemons -"

"I meant about what happened to her! And why she showed up as she did!?" muttered Regulus, as he let out an annoyed sigh.

Barty smirked back at him cheekily, "Then, nothing."

He got up the next day, five minutes before breakfast was to start. Rushed to get ready and walked (He didn't run and will deny it if anyone says otherwise) to the Great Hall. He looked around for her but she wasn't there yet, so he leaned against the doors as he waited patiently. His friends kept sending him questioning glances from the Slytherin table, which he wisely ignored. Five minutes later he saw her walking towards the Great Hall while chatting with one of the Gryffindor girls - Amy? Allie? Alice! Yeah, that's it. He smirked as they made eye contact, which grew into a smile when he saw her smile back at him, as she made her way over.

"You waiting for your friends?"

"Just you."

"Me? Why?"

"Today's Saturday and I thought, we could hang out. Possibly, earn more questions. Like say... your real name?"

She stared at him for a few moments with an indecipherable expression. "You know my name, Barty."

"So, Ara Lovella, is your real name?"

"Technically, yes."

He gave her a deadpan look, as she smiled back at him feigning innocence.

"Come on." He said as he grabbed her wrist gently and changed their direction.

"Where are we going?"

"I want to have breakfast with you, so we're going to the kitchens. And you'll tell me your name."

He could feel her gaze lingering at the back of his head as she snorted in amusement. "Is that so?"

"Yes. After all, we can't be friends if I don't even know your name," he stated matter-of-factly.

They were walking in silence towards the kitchens when she suddenly whispered out, "Adhara." He halted his steps and turned to look at her. "Ara's a nickname and Lovella's my middle name. But my first name is Adhara."

"Adhara..." He whispered to himself. How fitting of a name, he couldn't help but think, smiling to himself.

"And your last name?" He asked while looking into her eyes. They were beautiful, both so... piercing, even though they were two different colors. She looked to the ground with a sad expression. "I can't say."

"Why not?"

"I - I want to..." She whispered before looking back up to him. "But it's... complicated. Besides, it doesn't matter in the end. Not anymore."

Before he could even respond, she started walking ahead of him. He silently followed her while in deep thought. Why was it complicated? Why didn't it matter anymore? How is it every time he thinks he's finally got an answer, he's left with more questions?

See You Againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें