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WC: 1160

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

They moved to their next destination, wondering who the mole could be. The group kept their thoughts to themselves. They did not want to jump to conclusions, but it was hard not to. Walking into the library, they spotted the Queen hard at work. Announcing themselves, she looked up and smiled softly.

"What are you three up to?"

"Relaxing today. Did we intrude on something?" Hermione asked

Nodding, "But it can wait. I'll finish it later."

"No, it's okay. We can go outside for a while. If it's important, you should finish it. If you need us, you will be able to find us."

"Okay, my dear. Enjoy the sun."

Bowing, taking their leave. Heading outside, they wandered for a while before finally spotting a place to relax. Hermione moved to sprawl out in the soft grass, loving the warmth and comfort it gave her, while the boys moved to one of the trees nearby. Wanting shade rather than the sun's rays, watching Hermione smile.

"Malfoy, can I ask you something?" Harry broke their silence, speaking quietly enough so the girl couldn't hear them

"What is it?"

"What were you two talking about before I walked in?"

Nodding, "It wasn't anything serious. It was mainly about life after the war. Talking about what we'd accomplished, our parents. That's it." Draco explained

Smiling softly, "It's been a long time since she has talked about any of that. 'Moine isn't one to talk about those topics anymore. Thank you for letting her talk about it. She only has Ginny, George, and I. It would be nice to have someone else she can go to. 

"I've been working constantly and can't always be there for her. Especially for these coming times. I won't be here, and it might break her if she doesn't have someone to go to. She always feels like a bother to Ginny, so she's decided not to go to her anymore."

Not sure what to say. In turn, he said the first thing that came to mind. "Glad that I could help."

"I need to go start packing. Good talking to you, Malfoy." Harry smiled, getting up and leaving. He made his way to the girl who was enjoying the sun.

Draco watched on; Hermione sat up with a smile that turned to a pout. Draco chuckled at the change, wondering what Harry was telling her. Leaving her with a kiss on the top of her head, it was her turn to watch him walk away. But Draco continued his observation of her. With a sigh, she lifted herself, walking to where Draco was. Smirking at her as she sat down gently next to him.

Smiling to him, "I'm curious what you two were chatting about. I could hear your voice. Not what you were saying."

"We were talking about you."

Rolling her eyes, "Really, what were you talking about?"

"You. It was all about you."

"Oh." That was not what she was expecting. Whether it be because he was being blunt or how he made sure he didn't hide their discussion.

"Potter also told me that, while he's gone, I should look after you."

Scuffing, leave it to Harry. "I'll be okay. I'm not as fragile as he thinks I am."

"I know." Draco smiled, knowing that Potter could baby her while he treated her like the adult she was

Allowing silence to surround them, looking out to the fields surrounding them. Trees and perfectly trimmed hedges. It was beautiful, taking in the sight. Knowing this place would be gone from the earth when the first war over muggles and wizards would begin.

"What's your favorite color?" Hermione asked out of the blue

"You haven't figured that out yet?" Draco picked on her

Sticking her tongue out at him, "Clearly not."

The blond-haired boy laughed at her sarcasm. "Green and silver. What about the princess?"

Blushing at his words, "I like green."

"A Gryffindor that doesn't like their color?"

"Not everyone likes their house colors. It's not a written rule."

"I think green suits you."

"Of course, you think it does." Rolling her eyes

Draco smirked, "If we're back to asking each other questions, when is your birthday?"

"September 19th."

Draco looked over to her, surprised. "That went by while we were here. Why didn't you say anything?"

Shrugging, looking away from him and back to the scene before them. "It's not something I want to draw attention to. We were so busy at that point. Why should I avert our attention to something else?"

Draco couldn't believe how much the girl before him worried about everyone around her. Rather than care about herself. "Now that you've told me, I won't forget it."

Offering a face, "We'll see. So when is your birthday?" Changing the topic

"June 5th. Not while we were here."

"It happened right before we ended up here." Hermione pointed out

"Like two weeks."

"Did you throw yourself a grand ball?" Hermione joked

Draco scratched the back of his neck, "I was working and forgot about it until Blaise brought me a small muffin."

Smacking his leg, "You're giving me a hard time! At least I remember when my day is, you didn't!"

"Oi, shush!" laughing together once again, finding it easier each time it happened

"I don't know why I thought you were born in the winter," Hermione spoke

"Maybe because of my skin tone in my early years? I was as white as snow."

"You are not as deadly pale as you used to be. You don't blend into paper."

Shoving her gently, "I was always handsome no matter what."

"You keep telling yourself that." Shaking his head, he moved the topic to the next subject. "What do you do when you have free time?"

"Avoiding the statement, I see." Draco smirked, "I like to fly. Just taking a moment to sit down and relax is appreciated. You?"

"I try and read. It's been hard to sit down and just read for fun anymore. You'd think it wouldn't be hard with a bookstore. If I can't read, I have started to try and write." Looking to see Draco smirking. "What is wrong with you?"

"I figured out what you did for fun before you could tell me."

Scowling at him, yet it held no malice. "I knew what you did for fun too. Flying around on your broom, I don't see how that is enjoyable. I never understood the point of it or the class we had to take."

"Are you saying that you don't get on brooms?"

"If it can be avoided, yes. It is dreadful every time I get on one." Surprised when Draco stood suddenly

Holding his hands out to Hermione, who took them tentatively. Once standing, he released only one of her hands before dragging her across the courtyard. She wasn't sure where they were heading voicing this. The only response she received was that she would see soon enough. Hurrying around, Draco finally spotted what he wanted. Taking her to the small building. Turning around to her, he grabbed her second hand.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, smiling at her

I was able to edit this some before it was posted... Is this what life was like before my hell class?! hehe anyway hope you are still enjoying the story! thank you for the support! 

We're about twelve chapters from the story being completed 🫢 

Stay safe and healthy ~DQ ❤️ 

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