During King Cenred's stay no feasts were held; they were to be had once the peace talks were concluded and signed as a celebration. In light of this, a week into Cenred's visit, Uther called for a private dinner with the royal families.
"Do you think there is enough time for me to feign illness and skip this odious excuse of an evening?" Morgana drawled next to him; her hand curled round his arm as they walked to the dinning haul. They were both in no hurry to get there quickly. Their steps slow and their chatter idle. Drawing out the moment as much as they could.
"Only if I can miraculously have come down with the same ailment. You're not allowed to get out of this if I can't," Arthur teased, but the idea was very appealing. Morgana groaned and Arthur laughed. The atmosphere in the castle had been so heavy of late, he felt good to laugh.
They were rounding the last corner when Gaius suddenly came up behind them. His steps far quicker than his usually arthritic pace.
"Arthur, I must speak with you," he said with a small bow. There was an air of urgency in his tone that had Arthur become more alert. Gaius looked over his shoulder once, then behind Arthur and Morgana. Morgana squeezed Arthur's arm and continued on her way, joining Gwen who was further ahead.
"Gaius, what is it?" he asked, moving back down the corridor for some added privacy away from any guards.
What Gaius said next had Arthur's heartbeat kick in a notch. "I have found a way to remove the chains on Merlin."
Ever since Arthur had come to Gaius, the physician had been spending every second he could researching; scouring each book in his library to find out anything on the chains or how they could be made. They were cold iron, that they knew, but finding a way to break them had been a stumbling point. Until now it so happened.
"I have an old contact in Essetir, she was able to help. She had been forced to create them in the first place but secretly made a way to break them unbeknownst to the king. I need to gather the ingredients which should be easy enough as most are common in Camelot. It's a serum which melts the chains; counteracts and weakens cold iron, with a little help of some magic."
Giddiness was bursting in Arthur's chest, hope finally able to grow. This was the news Arthur had been waiting for. "Now we just need to get Merlin away from Cenred long enough for you to do this," he concluded. His mind already churning up ideas.
"That... That shouldn't be a problem," his voice had turned sombre, Arthur's good mood disappearing hearing it. "Cenred, he brought Merlin to me two days ago. Arthur, he-" Gaius didn't get to finish as Uther came up and called Arthur in for dinner.
"Gaius, will you be joining us?" he asked jovially, slapping a hand on Arthur's back. He was in a good mood, the talks going well. Arthur was happy they were but this whole affair with Merlin dampened all his joy. He wanted Merlin safe and away from all of it. Once they got those chains of him, he'd do everything to get Merlin away from here and hopefully reunited with his mother. Artur never knew his mother, but he did long for her in times of sadness, he couldn't imagine what Merlin must feel.
"Pardon me, sire, sadly not. I was just informing Arthur on Sir Casey's improved health. If you'll excuse me, I have much to get back to." Uther dismissed him easily, either from understanding or not caring Arthur couldn't tell. Arthur watched Gaius retreat over his shoulder as he walked in the opposite direction with his father. What had Cenred come to Gaius about involving Merlin. How badly had he been hurt this time?

Never Alone Again / Never Alone, Again - Merthur Fanfiction
FanfictionThe new king of Essetir, Cenred, is invited to Camelot for talks. With him he brings his manservant, Merlin. When Arthur observes the way Cenred treats Merlin, and the more Arthur finds out, he cannot stop himself to step in and save Merlin. (The mo...