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Why does life have to be so stressful?,
Bringing towards a person so many obstacles.

Could it be that these task which life brings a person's way,
In some form or another strengthen them for the next day?

Making them stronger as these obstacles they overcome,
Leaving them with knowledge which they may pass on to some.

Or could it be that the stress from the obstacles in our lives,
Is a burden with which we must deal with until the day that we die?

I guess it's up to the individual how they see it in their eyes,
Whether or not they want to make a difference before their demise.

I know for myself that I wish to be wise,
I want to make a difference in people's lives.

There is no way that I will ever let people say,
That from life's obstacles I had walked away.

So no matter how stressful they may be,
I will always stay standing on my two feet.

I will take with me the joy of knowing that I did my share,
That by sharing my knowledge, I made another's life a little more fair.

Now that person can live more joyful,
For their life won't be as stressful.

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