Just quickly, thank you for over 100 reads! It means a lot, an it's nice to know that more people are reading this book. Thank you again!❤️
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Luke shut the door moodily, watching Ben go. Chewie growled at Han, and he scoffed in agreement.
"You said it Chewie. Where did you dig up that old fossil?"
"Ben is a great man!" Luke scowled defensively.
"Yeah, great at getting us into trouble."
"I didn't hear you give any ideas flyboy," I spat.
"Anything's better than just hangin' around waiting for him to pick us up."
"Who do you think-" Luke began, but was interrupted be the rapid beeping of R2.
"I've found her! She's here! I've found her! She's here, she's here!"
"Found who? Who's she?" I asked, walking over to the little droid.
"The Princess! Princess Leia! She's here!"
"The Princess?" My eyes widened. "Where?"
"Wait, the Princess is here?" Luke interrupted.
"What princess? What's-" Han started, before I cut over him.
"Shut up! Where is she, Artoo?"
"Level 5, Detention Block AA-23...she's...she's set to be terminated.." R2 booped sadly.
"Level 5, AA-23...she's gonna be terminated? Not on my watch," I said defiantly.
"Wait, Princess Leia is gonna be executed? I'm with you Lyn, let's-"
"For the love of the kriffing galaxy, can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Han called out in a voice thick with irritation.
"You are as stupid as you look," I muttered, "Princess Leia of Alderaan is here. She is going to be killed. We are going to rescue her."
"Hang on, we never agreed to anything!" Han yelled, pointing to him and Chewie. "Don't get any funny ideas. The old man told us to wait here."
"He didn't know she was here! Threepio, find a way to that Detention Block," Luke ordered.
Han made a noise of defiance. "I'm staying here!"
"There gonna execute her. Look, a few minutes ago you said you didn't wanna just sit here and just 'wait to be captured', now all you wanna do is stay?"
"Marching into the Detention Block isn't what I had in mind!"
"That's right, cause you had nothing, you lazy sleemo," I scoffed, "Now you listen here. I'm going to that detention block, and once I've rescued her I can tell them all about how you refused to help a Princess. Maybe you'll earn yourself a blaster to the head, I'm hoping."
Han seemed stunned for a moment. Then he blurted out, "Oh yeah? You'll rescue her, will you? You can barely shoot a blaster, how you gonna face a bunch of stormtroopers then?"
"Hey, wait." I paused, in mock confusion. "No you said I can't shoot? I think you stuttered a bit there hun, you meant that you're a disgusting idiot who can shoot a bantha. You know, I bet the reward for this will be sky high, and I'll be able shove it in your face you prick-"
"Reward? As in money? This girl's rich then? This 'princess'?" Han perked up, interrupting me.
"Oh well done you put two and two together, he's learning! Yes she's rich you—that's what you want?" I stopped, something clicking. "Money? If you manage to get up, with that massive head of yours, and rescue her, you'll get whatever you want."
"Wealth beyond imaginable, if you come," Luke said, catching on.
"I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit!" Han snapped.
"You'll get it," Han made a face. "You will!"
"Alright kid, you better be right about this one."
"We are." Luke said.
"What's your plan?"
"Can we do anything with those cuffs?" I asked, pointing.
"Yeah! See these binders here," Luke agreed, picking the golden cuffs off a desk, "and if you just put these on-"
Luke had walked over to Chewie and tried to put the binders on the Wookie, which was a mistake. Chewie roared his disapproval and Luke staggered back, right into Han.
"Han, y-you put these on him."
Han took the cuffs and muttered to Chewie, "I think I know what they have in mind."
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"This is not gonna work," Han hissed, his voice slightly distorted through the helmet.
Luke turned on him angrily. "Well why didn't you say so before!"
"I did say so before."
"Shut up," I hissed, just in time for the door to slide open.
We were met with a control room and a few imperial workers, as well as a few stormtroopers posted along a dismal, black corridor beyond. Walking through the door cautiously, an Imperial turned on us.
"Where are you taking this—" the officer glanced at Chewie "—thing?"
"Prisoner transfer from Cell Block 1138," Luke said.
"I wasn't notified," My hand tightened around the trigger of the stolen blaster. "I'll have to clear it."
The grey haired officer signalled to guards, who stepped over to us, holding small blasters. Chewie burst out of his—albeit feeble—bonds with a mighty roar and pushed a guard to the floor.
Han sprung into action, as if everything had been planned. "Look out, he's loose!"
"He'll tear us all apart!" I joined in, firing shots at the incoming stormtroopers.
Han handed Chewie a blaster and together, the four of us fired on the Imperials and, eventually, the numerous cameras around the room. Smoke billowed out as we pushed through it, Luke tugging the dead officer off the controls.
"We gotta out find which cell this princess of yours is in," Han said quickly, putting his blaster down and fiddling with the controls. "2187, go and get her."
I threw my helmet to the floor as Luke, who hadn't bothered to take his off, hurried down the corridor.
"Sure you'll be okay back here? Last time I checked you couldn't shoot a bantha to save your life—maybe because it's worthless," I raised an eyebrow in triumph as Han struggled to form a response. Just then, the comm behind him beeped into life. The voice of an officer came through.
"Uh, everything's under control, situation normal," Han clenched his fists as he spoke into the comm.
"What happened?"
"We, uh, had a slight...weapons malfunction, but, um, everything's perfectly fine now...how are you?" I had to stop my self from laughing and Han visibly cringed at what he had said.
"We're sending a squad up," the (slightly confused) voice said.
"Uhh, negative, negative. We, um, have a reactor leak here now, uh, very toxic, give us a few minutes to lock it down. Yeah, large leak, super dangerous-"
"Who is this, what's your operating number?"
"Uh...bye," As he said this, Han grabbed a blaster and shot the comm station into a smouldering ruin. "Boring conversation anyway," he muttered, "LUKE WE'RE GONNA HAVE COMPANY! Go and get that princess of yours."

Amilyn Lars: A Friend of Hope
FanfictionStar Wars Fan Fiction. All rights to LucasFilm/Disney, takes place in A New Hope. Amilyn Lars is the daughter of Owen and Beru Lars, and little cousin of Luke Skywalker. The two grew up close, Amilyn being born only a year after Luke had arrived on...