Chapter 44

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Vidhya's pov :

I was scared to death when they said they're going to kill me. I gulped and looked at Madan beside me who was calm and composed.

Of course, he'd feel happy if I die but the way he held my hand was something so genuine.

But my only thoughts were about this dangerous people who were looking so professional yet so scary.

"I only asked you to take this girl with you. She already mentioned no crack should be found in this man, so leave him.", A man whom I assume is the leader said and my fear increased by 10 times.

Are they going to assault me or something!?

I looked at Madan who had no expression.

Please don't leave me alone!

For the first time in a few days, I felt like I want him beside me. I was pleading with my eyes and he seemed like he doesn't care. I don't know he can be this heartless.

"Hey, you can leave!", A man the threatened him and pushed him by shoulder but he stood still. I started hoping that he won't leave me alone. I want nothing from him but to save my trust this time.

"I won't leave her with y'all.", He said and I was happy that he stood up for me now.

"You have to..", that man said and Madan chuckled.

"Who asked you to kidnap her? I'm ready to give twice the money you recieved from that person. Leave her. This is the last time I'm being patient.", He said and that man looked at the leader.

"Nice try, young man. But we value trust and loyalty more than money. If you leave her, we won't harm you. Don't compel us to hurt you.", He said and Madan stood still.

"Dare you to hurt me."

When that man was about to punch Madan, he twisted his hand and gave a hard punch in his neck which made him fell lifeless on the floor. I looked at his face who looked like a devil who will kill everyone in an instant.

My breathing shallowed as many men started approaching him.

He pulled me back so that I was hiding behind his back. I somehow felt protective which I didn't feel from him a long time. The feeling was so strange and odd and my heart started beating crazy.

He started fighting everyone and knocking them down. I never knew he was this strong but it was good that he was.

After knocking down everyone, he faced the leader face to face who was glaring at him.

Madan picked up one of the gun from the floor from the man who was lying lifeless on the road.

No one dared to use their guns against him because the person who ordered them had strictly instructed them not to hurt Madan.

I wondered who it could be.

"I never thought you'd do it just for a girl.", The leader said and Madan let out a dangerous chuckle.

Madan shot that leader in his shoulder and he collapsed on the floor, groaning. He didn't hesitate to trigger the gun which made me so scared about him.

Then he held me and took me back towards his car. His hold was gentle this time and I never expected it from him.

Remembering how he held my hand in a death grip when I got down of the car instead of saying about that 5 lakhs, I got chills.

I don't want to tell him about that 5 lakhs.

I continuously texted Nisha through her social media page because I don't want to let go of my bestfriend so easily.

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