Chapter 2

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✨✨✨POV sWiTcH AND tImE sKiP✨✨✨

Valerie Emerald Clarke

(BTW it's lunch)

I sprint down the halls and throw myself through the cafeteria doors. Pizza for lunch on the first day of school! Yessssss! Gotta get the first spot...!

"Oh mah gawd!!! Slow down, Val, I'M DYING!!"

"Nah. you're just slow," I tease Y/n as I slow down to a speedwalk to the ever-growing lunch line.

"I know."

"I saw you got texted before class started this morning. Who was it? Did you know them?"

"No, actually, it was some rando on the Internet who somehow knew my name. I roasted them, though."

"I'm so proud of you," I tell her as we grab our lunch trays.

"Thanks, Mom."

"No problem, my dear child." We each get a slice of greasy cheese pizza.

"Wait--You're cool with me calling you Mom?" I grab some chips for me and her, smiling mischievously at the look of suprise that shines on her face.

"Yeah, almost everyone does."

"Okay, Mom."

We walk over to the vending machine and I pull out a ten dollar bill. "Don't worry about paying me back, 'kay?"

"..... The bond of friendship between you and I has been permanently sealed."

"Nice to know."

"How long have you had braces?"

"Three months."

"When do you get them off?"

"Two and a half years from now." I snatch our sodas from the slot, and we sit down at an empty table in the back.

"Damn." I flinch as she says the word slowly. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just not very comfortable with cuss words, that's all."

"Oh, my bad."

"It's fiiiiiine."

"You been contaced by strangers on the web lately, milady?"

"No, but I did meet this guy in my mom's bakery. He's kind of a midget. A slightly twitchy midget. Brunette, a face mask like he was reliving Covid, and this cool hoodie. He saw me and we started chatting. I've met up with him three times after that."

"OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOh~~~......" I feel my face heat up slightly.

"Don't. You. Dare."

"I bet FIFTY BUCKS he thinks you're good looking."

"Y/N!!!! Shut up!!"

"What's his name??"

"Tobias Rogers, but he told me to call him Toby."

"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE ON A NICKNAME BASIS WITH HIM!!! IT'S SO CUTE! I ship it." Oh no I made it worse!


"Is he cuuuuuute~?"

"Y/n, please, stop..." I bet my face is a freaking cherry right now....

"Do you have him in your contacts?"


"GIMME THAT!" I'm so surprised by her outburst it took my fifteen whole seconds to realize she stole my phone and was contacting Toby. I am sooooo dead. This is pretty much the conversation I saw after I steal it back from her:

Whoops!: A F Y/N x Creepypasta StoryWhere stories live. Discover now