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A/N photo summarises this chapter to be honest ;) enjoy!!

I couldn't go back to my dorm.
It had been ransacked, draws turned inside out and clothes ripped to shreds.
Yet somehow, the cameras caught footage of no one.
As if the company was being paid to cover it up.

I was sick to my stomach- they knew my new address, too.
So the company head suggest I head back to Australia to clear my head.

Thus I did, but not before going to Suwon one last time.
My sunshine was in the VR machine as I rushed inside, giving him a hug.

"My debut is being postponed to next year at least. I'm going back to Sydney." I whined, as he just held my arm softly.

"Is this about your apartment? I heard, Chan told me. That's horrible. Did you want anything? I can help you pay for new clothes, or.." I stopped him there, laughing.

"I'm not making you pay for my clothes. Just because you're a rich producer, that doesn't make you my sugar daddy or anything."
This caused him to burst out laughing, tears streaming down his cheeks, mine mirroring his.

It wasn't really that funny, but we felt comfort with one another. That was important.

This was the last time I saw him for over three months.

Friday, two weeks later
"What do you mean my flights been canceled? I need to get back to Seoul." I asked the airport staff, as she tried scanning my ticket again.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but you must have to wrong time or ticket, it's not working."

I called the company. They didn't know anything. They had said it was a real ticket, but yet I watched as my plane flew off, leaving me behind in Sydney.

I got back to Seoul the following week, and then I was back to intensive training.
I barely got a moment to relax, or to breathe.
I was constantly on the go.

It was better than doing nothing with the stalker watching my every move.

"Y/N. Can we talk?" Kyrin asked, as I nodded, following her into a room.

"I'm worried about you. You're going to work yourself to death." She said, as I just sighed tiredly.

"I need to keep myself distracted. It's my coping mechanism. Please don't worry, I'm doing just fine." I smiled at her, as she just held my hand.

"Alright, but I'm taking you out for dinner next Saturday, okay?"

'Kyrin Kim, aged 27 reported missing as of last night. She was previously ITZY's manager, and before then former trainee Ara's schedule planner. More news will be updated as we learn more, but she was last seen outside a club at 11:23PM on Friday evening...'

I watched the news in disbelief. She didn't go clubbing, no, frankly, she only ever went to work, and went home.
Kyrin told me her every move, as I told her mine.

She was being framed.

My stalker did this.

"Oh that's horrible Y/N." Mirae had said, as I had came to get coffee.
"I hope she's found soon. Idols without managers don't debut."

"I'm not concerned about my debut at all. I'm hoping she's okay. She's got a fiancé you know." I said, snapping slightly.
Mirae held up her hands, as if proclaiming 'I'm innocent' before handing me my coffee.

"Well, worse comes go to a different idol company. They'll accept you now that JYP has accepted you before." Mirae said, as I frowned.

"I'm not going to leave here. Kyrin will be found." I said, as Mirae shrugged.

"The option is there, just in case." She shrugged, as I stormed off.

Friday Night.
Kyrin was rushing home back to her fiancé. She wasn't usually ever out this late, but Y/N had messaged her.
One simple word. "Help."

Kyrin thought of that girl as her daughter. She wouldn't just leave her.

But on arriving to Y/N's apartment, of course, it was empty- she had been staying in a hotel.

And that's when a stranger from the shadows, with a sickly cough, jumped the young woman, a hand smothering her breath as Kyrin staggered back into the others grip.

"Because your supposed 'daughter' can't keep her paws off my sunshine, you're my collateral damage." The person said, as Kyrin's eyes widened in both fear and recognition of the voice.

Before she could utter out her name, a searing pain split through her throat as the warmth of her blood spilled down her neck, and onto the cool concrete streets.

She was dead within two minutes, her phone dropped, fallen into the gutters and swept with the currents.

'Kyrin Kim's body has been found dumped in..'

I felt completely and utterly sick.

This was my fault, wasn't it?

Tears streamed down my cheeks in salty rivers, as I went to talk with her fiancé.

"I'm so sorry about Kyrin." I said, bowing in respect to the woman, whom wore a matching ring to my past manager just sobbed, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh it's not your fault.. come in, I'll make us tea.. she told me a lot about you." Kyrin's fiancé smiled softly, despite her tear-stained cheeks.

I smiled softly back.

This was the least I could do.

The funeral service was held the week after, and almost every trainee and idol under JYP had came to pay their respects.

Someone bumped past me on my way out, dropping a slip of paper.

"You're next."

Losing Game • Lee Felix Where stories live. Discover now