The boys were all in a room they had been in on their first day.They watched as Harry be given a crown and even get to sit on a big throne as they were supposed to clap for him.Their pride and ego didn't want them to do so and was eating them alive to jump up and start taking their anger on out on him."Do you feel it boys,the feeling of being defeated and dominated"Conner said as he looked down at the boys from the balcony.This is only the starting point,I will shatter all your egos,now do you either cry about it or prepare for the next battle?"he asked with a fiery tone."Those who keep blaming others will be chrushed,blame yourself,you were weak and now you have to become stronger"he said again his voice getting louder."Now what do you do,do you cry in the corner or rise higher than before and chrush your enemies?".he asked making the boys want to climb the highest mountains."I am not commissioner Roger but,I suggest every single day you workout your bodies as well as meditate for 30 minutes to work on your mind,do I have that clear?"he asked in a menacing tone that said anybody who doesn't do what I say will be punished."Ok since you got my message,I guess it's time to reveal that there is no reward in this competition and that you can only call who you want,the gold is fake"he said going back to his normal friendly voice.The boys were confused and felt like idiots for believing anything he said in the first place."Now Mr Harry get off the throne and give me the crown"he said raising his hand out to be given the crown.Poor Harry felt betrayed as he gave him the crown and joined the other boys."The gold thing was only used to motivate you all to try your best,and Harry you can still be allowed to call at 6:00pm in the main building,and all of you shall be escorted out and goodnight"he said as he disappeared into the shadows.
Ronin felt like he had to do something as most of the other boys were stronger and faster.I wanna change he thought to himself along with others.As they were being escorted as William, Hunter and Ronin were talking they were approched by another group of boys."If it isn't the loser I knocked out and his bitches"said the tall boy that knocked Ronin out as he was accompanied by 4 other tall boys which also included Harry and Devonte."What the heck did you just call us bro"said Hunter as he faced him and seemed to be looking for a fight."You know what I said,you three may have saved us but your just a bunch of losers who think this is just for fun,so stay out of our way while we're here"he said looking back at them as he slowly moved away."Bro those guys surely have sticks in their asses,but they'll stay away hopefully"Hunter said facing the direction they went in."Yeah"William and Ronin said in unison as deep inside they were afraid they would come back."Broes don't let those jerks get to your heads,Im used to dealing with guys like them"he said as he scratched his head."I really want to learn how to fight for myself"said William looking at the floor."Me too bro,I'm tired of being considered weak"Ronin said also looking kinda blue."Don't worry guys we'll get stronger together and put those assholes in their place"Hunter said with a smile on his face.As the boys continued talking,Ronin knew that he had to get stronger or he would always be a victim in this place.
As Ronin stood at the entrance of his dorm room he contemplated getting in as he remembered that his roommate had shown his true side.But he decided he couldn't run away from his problems and instead needed to face his problems.As he opened the door he sighed as he realized Devonte wasn't in the room and decided to make some food and started to workout as the Professor had recommended.His first pushup was easy but he could only go up to 10.He did 30 more reps as he thought he needed something heavy like a weight to use.But he didn't want to ask Devonte to borrow his weights.After he did more pushups and finally felt sadisfied he ate his post workout meal and meditate for 30 minutes and took a nap.
It was 5:00 pm
As Conner was heading to the meeting room,he somehow felt as if he had not done his job properly.He opened the doors to the meeting room to reveal Joe,Mrs Jenny,Mrs Rose,Roger and the bosses .Before he could open his mouth to speak he was interrupted by one of the bosses Mr Stone."My,my Conner,it is good to see you"he said as he began shaking his hand."Good to see you too boss,but why the sudden appearance now?"he asked, the man put his hand on his shoulder."The members all called us here on argent matters,they say you did not quite affect the boys enough and that you could do better"he said with a more serious tone."I,I,I know sir,as a member of team Goldstruck I need to improve and only if you give me another chance"he said as he bowed his head."You will be given another chance and this time do not blow it"started the second man who was also the boss."Now this meeting will have to be cut short, because you did not show us fully on what you can do,all we have to talk about this meeting is the bullying problem Sir Giovanni"said Jenny as she stood up and faced the bosses."Hmm,how parculier,but there have been signs of bullying before,let us hope it is not as worst as last year"said Mr Stone with an upbeat tone in his voice."Indeed old friend,so who are the victims of this bullying?asked Giovanni."The victims of the bullying include:Ronin Crow Shelby Foster...."Joe said reading off the peice of paper before he was cut of ."What a unique set of names they have"said Mr Stone as he began to laugh."Sir these are only the names of one of the boys"Roger said as he brushed his brow."Oh,sorry don't mind me continue".he said as he faced Joe still giggling a bit before he went back to his normal face."The victims of the bullying included,Ronin Crow Shelby Foster,Hunter Cloud and William Cook and the bully's include Devonte Johnson,Harry Balls,Kevin Wright, Xavier Woods and Levy Green "the big man said as he stopped reading the paper."So what is the course of action from here?"asked Mrs Rose looking at the boss."Well,we do nothing"Mr Stone said casually."What!"said all of them in unison looking confused."I do understand they are just boys old friend,but to do nothing will only escalate the problem"Giovanni said with a more serious tone."Mr G is right,you know how boys are,they will collide and crash the more their together "Mrs Jenny said."That is the point,if we cannot bring realism in our camp then we are no better than some posers saying they bring peace and harmony,if you want peace you have to get ready for war and a man who cannot stand up for himself is only a shell of a true man"Mr Stone said with fury in his voice.They all quieted
down as they now understood the message he was trying to convey."If all is in order,this meeting is ajurned"said Mr Stone as he exited the room with Mr Giovanni."Well that was quite an interesting meeting"said Joe."Indeed it was,but we have to be careful with these boys,small things are the ones that start the biggest disasters"Roger said as he stood up with the others."And Conner,don't forget to make a challenge that really breaks these boys because that was quite pathetic what you did there"said Rose trying to make him mad."Hey,at least I tried,It could have been worse,and don't worry let me do my magic"he said as he crunched his knuckles and left the room.Ronin woke up to see that Devonte had came back to where he had gone.But as he woke up,he didn't acknowledge him,as expected as he knew now what side he was on.The line was made and the war had started.As he opened the fridge he found that there was more food than before,so they do restock on food he thought to himself as he took out a banana and started snacking.He didn't know what time it was because he had no electronics not even a clock in this place.He went outside to find out where the sun was and when he opened the door he was shocked that it was already night time.He stood outside and started thinking about school.
What do I want for my self?he thought but that question he had to find out."I'm starting to miss them"he said as he thought back to his parents.
He remembered the first day of highschool,he thought it would be all rainbows and sunshine.And little did he know that place would be the most terrible thing that happened to him.It was 6:00am 2013 on Monday
Ronin was really nervous for his first day of school.But he still was looking forward to it and hoped it would be a good experience.As his mom kissed him goodbye as he went out of his dad's car and watch it slowly disappear.He was near the gate and it was intimidating at first,then he took his first step into his new life.As he looked around for his class in the massive school he managed to run in to one of his old Middle school friends.He attempted to say hi,but he didn't even look in his direction and continued talking with his new classmates,even though he could clearly hear him.He was now mad and felt a bit anxious about the place but he managed to find his class without any help.As he opened his classroom door he found there were 2 other students already in the classroom chatting with eachother.And they were both girls,it's not like he was afraid of girls but they always made him anxious.As he entered the room they both stared at him as they seemed to expect something.He had forgot to introduce himself,so he began to go greet the girls in person as his family taught him.But as he got closer he swore he saw an expression of disgust on both of their faces.And in a second he started doubting why he had come up to them in the first place.He turned back with a sad face and took a seat at the front.When more kids came,he was the only one without a desk mate as the others were laughing together.The teacher arrived and like the usual first day asked them to introduce each other one by one.On his turn he turned out stuttering and sounding like a cluts.The guy that was next to him even started laughing at him.It was really embarrassing.And at lunch he was shown the bathroom by a group of older guys and there seemed to be no one in it.But as he came to wash his hands,he came face to face with an older girl and he realized his mistake.He was hated by most of the girls now.And when he went to the cafeteria, someone even hit him with soup and it ended up staning his school uniform.
And when it was time to go home he ended up being tripped and lost some of his money.As his parents picked him up they scolded him that it was not like him to peep on girls.Not even asking how he got dirty or how that had happened.The other days turned out even worse no matter what he tried to do.But here at the camp he had actual friends after 1 year.And he was going to do his best to increase his chances here.He thought before heading back to his dorm room before anyone could see him

Pain Is Joy
General FictionA story about a group of boys learning how to better themselves as they try to let go of their traumatic past