part twelve - a run

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I woke up with a smile on my face. The memory of last night hitting me.


After a while Ally and them said goodnight and went to bed. It was just me and Yn. We sat in silence for a while before I started speaking. " so what did you do before this?" She smiled and shook her head, " guess." Immediately my mind went to police officer, soldier. Something that had to do with a gun because she was hella good with hers. " police officer." I answered which made her laugh. " wow, I could never." She chuckled. " I was a delivery girl." I couldn't quite understand why she was as good with a gun. She saw my confusion and went on. " uhm, my father and brother sold drugs and I had to deliver them I return I wold get to stay in school. Some of the times I'd have to bunk school just to deliver to someone who can't wait 2 more hours." She said. Immediately I felt sorry for her. It felt as if I have to take care of her do I scooched closer and wrapped my arm around her neck.

" thank you for trusting me with that." Was my answer. She looked at me and said, " I don't know why but I trust you so much. I feel safe and important whenever I'm around you. I like you, Lauren." I have her a huge smile and immediately connected our lips. She was surprised at first but she recovered and kissed me right back.

Her hand rested on my waist as mine wrapped around her neck. We stayed like that, in each others embrace.

* end of flashback*

I got up feeling as fresh as ever. I was almost completely dressed when I heard Camila calling my name from outside the door. " hey Laur. Yn said to tell you that she's gonna make a run into town to get some supplies for the repairs." I wanted to go with her but I knew she was already gone.

I walked out after I put on some fresh clothes. A black denim jean with a grey crop top.

*Time skip*

The day went by slowly. Yn hadn't returned and it was starting to get dark. She might've run into some trouble and needed help but none of us had the courage to go look for her. " alright, I'll go check around the perimeter then I'll take the road into town to see if we find her." Dinah said grabbing her gun and planting a kiss on Normani's forehead.

She went around the perimeter and got back sayib that there's nothing. She was going to take our second horse out to check the road when we heard the galloping of a horse, or horses.

We all ran out the living room and onto the porch to see yn on her horse along with three other horses following. When she got near us she and the three people got off their horses. Immediately I engulfed yn and rested my hand on the back of her head. " I was worried." I whispered into her ear but she just gave me a smile, " I'll explain later."

My eyes went to the three, there was two girls and a guy, the one girl had to have help standing, her leg was bloodied from the knee down. " Ally, this is Selena, will you help her?" Ally immediately went into nurse mode and led them into the house, they sat this 'selena' down on the couch as Ally grabbed our first aid kit.

" what happened?" Was ally's question as she started up on the girls leg. " uh, we were running from a group of them and she fell down and twisted her ankle so we had to help her walk. We didn't look at how we were helping her and she got cut on some barbed wire while she jumped a fence. Yn had to carry her all the way back to her horse, luckily we had our horses nearby. " she girl said, eyes not leaving the girl. She looked terrified but she was filthy and I couldn't see her face properly.

" it's okay, uhm. My name is Ally, these are my friends." She couldn't Introduce us because she was still busy with the girl. " uh, that's Camila, Lauren, Dinah and Normani." Yn said pointing to us individually. " girls this is Kara and her friend Andy, you already know Selena. I found them in some trouble when I was looking for some supplies." She explained.

" it's damn good you found us, I don't think we would have made it out there." Andy said giving yn a smile. She had blood all over her, same with them. I smiled at yn as we watched Ally do her work. " will you three be comfortable to sleep in the living room? We're kinda using the last room we had for storage." Yn asked scratching the back of her head. Ally had finished bandaging the girl up, Kara was now seated next to her." Nah, it'll be great. Certainly better than the ground." Andy answered.

We all got them comfortable and went our own ways. I walked down the hall towards yns room when I finished changing. When I got there I didn't knock and just walked in. She sat on the edge of her bed just staring at her hands.

" Yn? Why haven't you washed yourself yet?" She didn't answer, just started st her hands. " come, I'll help." I helped her to the bathroom and started buttoning down her shirt. She stopped me suddenly and looked at me. I knew what she didn't want me to see, " don't worry. I'm here to help, yn." She looked at me, our eyes meet and we stood staring at one another.

Slowly, she let go of my hand, motioning me to go further. I finished unbuttoning the shirt an help her take it off. I gave her space for her to remove her sports bra. She had a defined body, a strong v line and visible abs but her whole body was littered with scars, both big and small.

I knew that it would make her feel like less if I stared at them so I gave her a smile and diverted my attention to the washcloth. I softly started rubbing it over her body, cleaning the blood off as she started speaking. " I was in a huge store and these people needed my help, they were counting on me to save them but I didn't think about saving them. I only thought about getting back here, to you. I was scared that if I died in that store id not be here to protect you when you needed it." I softly smiled. " yn, that's not a bad thing. It means you care. You did what anyone else would have done." She looked at me as I wiped her shoulder, my free hand resting on the opposite shoulder.

" Lauren, I think I have feelings for you." She admitted looking down. " I don't know what to do. I need really had such feelings for someone and I don't know how to handle them, it's okay if you don't have feelings for me, I just needed you to know how I felt." I couldn't form words. Instead I pulled her to me and connected our lips.

My free hand went to the back of her neck, I was playing with her baby hairs. She rested one hand on my waist and the other supported her weight while leaning on the sink, trapping me between the sink and her. It felt like there was fireworks going off left and right in my stomach. My lips tingled and the hairs on my skin raised in delight.

I parted for a second, only to lead her out to the bed. I lied down and pulled her onto me, immediately reconnecting our lips.


Whale would you look at that, I still know how to update. Didn't know I knew how anymore.

I've been so busy recently, school has been kicking my ass with a metal boot. But I will try and update as much as possible, I feel I have to finish this book.


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