(3rd Person POV)
Our story begins in the capital city of France, Paris. Also known as the city of love. Every day, the citizens of this utopia of romance wake up ready for another wonderful morning, enjoying every minute of what plans they have (whether it be school, work, or even just planning a day out with friend), and keeping the atmosphere more positive than a children's cartoon. If you asked how would they describe life in Paris, it's always the same response, with them saying how every day in Paris always brings a smile to their faces, being surrounded by all their friends and family.
However, there is one person who sees the opposite to this response. To them, Paris is nothing but a painful reminder on how this bright and cheerful city constantly reminds him of how lonely his life is, and how empty his heart feels. This person is a young boy with long untidy (H/C) hair, and is usually wearing a blank white T-shirt covered by a (F/C) hoodie, long blue jeans, and white socks with grey trainers. This boy is named (Y/N) (L/N), a student of College Francoise Dupont (or Francoise Dupont High School), who calls himself "the shadow with nobody to see".
This is because ever since the age of 7, everyone has begun to ignore or forget about the young boy's presence, going on with their lives as if he wasn't real. The only people that treat him like a normal person is his own family, but even then, there's still problems. His parents are always busy travelling around the world, and the last time they even intracted was when (Y/N) was 6. His grandparents who had looked after the boy for a long time are in the hospital due to an illness, and haven't been cured yet. Finally, his aunt and uncle are busy with their jobs in Paris, and unfortunately struggle to spend time with their favourite and only nephew.
Because of this, (Y/N) has tried to go and make friends, in an attempt to fix the growing void in his heart, but no matter what, it always ends with him being unnoticeable. In school, nobody would notice if he was paying attention in class or sleeping through it, not even the most strictest teacher there. Eventually, he became so frustrated with the endless cycle of being forgotten, that he eventually gave up. And because of giving up on being angry just left him with one emotion, sadness.
This can even be seen in his (E/C) eyes, when his hair wasn't obscuring them. Just by looking into them, anyone would be able to see how unhappy he is with his life, wishing for someone to help make a change, but also knowing that it's only but a dream that's impossible to reach. Currently, (Y/N) is in the house of his grandparents, currently emptying all the bins and putting the garbage into a large bag before making his way to the local dumpster.
On the way there, he passes multiple buildings consisting of stores and restaurants, each having people in there, either with their friends or family, spending time with other and generating positivity. If (Y/N) were younger, the sights would make him tear up, but that was when he was young. Now, he just ignores it, like most of his feelings. After a few more minutes of walking through the bustling streets, he reaches the local dumpster, but before he can throw the bin, he halts, seeing something completely out of place.
Resting in the piles of garbage are three tiny figures, each with the colours of Red, Blue, and Green, and looking like large plushies of astronauts sold at local carnivals, and neither of them having so much as a rip or tear on them. So why are the resting in a place for stuff that needs to be disposed of?
(Y/N): (thinking to himself) These are strange looking toys. Who would even throw them away? They look like they're still in mint-condition.
After placing his bin of garbage in with the rest, (Y/N) carefully looks around to see if anyone's watching or is nearby, before quickly grabbing each of the three bean-shaped astronauts and quickly making his way back to his house. Once there, he opens the front door and locks it behind him, before taking the toys up to the bathroom. There, he places them into a bowl, before turning on the shower head and starts giving all three figures a quick clean with soap and water, finishing with carefully drying them off with a towel.
Once making sure they've been properly dried off, he heads into his room and places them onto his bed, before going back into the living room and grabbing his phone to do a little research. (Y/N) starts to look up for anything that resembles the three astronaut plushies that he found, but is unable to even find something that remotely matches their appearances.
(Y/N): That's strange. There's nothing about them anyway on the internet. Could these be failed products? That could explain why the look so pristine.
(Y/N)'s little moment of thinking is soon interrupted by sounds coming from a few rooms away, so he puts down his phone and goes off to investigate. After walking up the staircase to the second floor, he notices one of the closet doors is now wide open, even though he remembers it being closed. As he takes a few steps towards it, the door suddenly slams shut, confusing the young boy.
However, while his back is turned, standing right behind is one of the plushies he brought back, which grows a large smirk that resembles a tear. The toy then opens its new mouth wide, before a sharp needle-like tongue shoots out and hits (Y/N)... only for said tongue to bounce off. (Y/N) quickly turns around, now seeing one of the toys walking about and having grown a mouth and tongue, which now looks confused on seeing their target not die.
The toy then pulls out a gun and begins firing bullets at the young boy, only for the bullets to bounce off like they were rubber. Next, the toy rushes up to (Y/N) and attempts to stab him in the ankle with a knife, only for said knife to completely break upon contact. Finally, the toy climbs up to (Y/N)'s head and attempts to snap his neck, but is unable to even get the young boy's head to move. After all of its attempts to kill (Y/N), the toy does something that surprises the young boy. It begins to cry actual tears from its visor.
(Y/N): (surprised) Uhm? Are you okay? I don't know what you were trying to do, but I didn't mean to make you upset.
(Y/N) then reaches down to the toy and proceeds to give it a hug, which it not only accepts, but also hugs back, getting a tight grip onto (Y/N), who continues to calm down the walking plush.
(Y/N): (gently pats its head) There, there. Take a deep breath, and let it all out. (sees the red toy now calm) Now, how about we see your friends. If you're up and walking, then maybe they are as well.
The red toy happily nods, climbing onto (Y/N)'s head before pointing towards the young boy's room, which may be where the other two beings are. They enter the room, seeing none of them in there, only for (Y/N) to suddenly trip over and fall to the floor. As he attempts to raise his head, he sees the two toys staring at him with different expressions, the blue figure looking cautious and the green one looking malicious, and holding weapons in their floating hands, with the green one holding a sharp knife, and the blue one holding... a shotgun.
Sure, they may look the size of toys, but (Y/N) is unsure of if they can actually cause harm. Right as the two figures are ready to approach the young boy, possibly to harm him, the red figure on his head quickly hops off, before explaining to the other two that (Y/N) isn't a threat. (Y/N) begins to get onto his feet, wishing to hear the conversation, but is unable to due to the voices of the three figures being untranslatable, since they sound like violin strings.
After a few minutes of the three figures talking with each other while taking occasional glances at (Y/N) pass, they look towards the young boy, who is quickly surprised as the three toys begin to shapeshift, with their insides looking more parasitic than anything he's ever learnt about. Soon, the three parasites have now taken human forms, yet (Y/N) is still looking away. The reason behind this is that when transforming into humans, they aren't wearing any clothes, so (Y/N) takes them over to a massive wardrobe of spare clothing he has, which the three figures are amazed by.