Thomas POV:
Seated at the sheriffs station, my leg bounced, nerves and fear jolting me on autopilot. I was awaiting my fathers return from duty, we had arrived in Beacon Hills this morning, Agent McCall delivering me to a father I didn't remember no matter how much I wanted to, Wicked made sure of that. During the flight Agent McCall let on some information, Minho discovered he had family that had moved here not long ago, and he had both parents and a sister so once we landed we said our partings and promised to catch up soon, now he was off catching up with them. Newt... he had been separated, sent to London to meet his family, and it didn't sound like it was going well, we had all been given phones to contact each other.
As for the others, Sonya discovered she had family in New York/ Brooklyn (See where that's going?), Aris was situated in Arkansas with his parents, he hadn't heard much apart from that, Frypan was sent to New Jersey so he wasn't far from Sonya, Gally didn't have family, his dad died when he was young and his mother passed not long after he was taken to Wicked, she died from cancer so he decided to follow Aris to Arkansas, Harriet also had no family at least that could be tracked down, however they did trace her to New York, so she stuck with Sonya. (Some of the characters like Aris and Fry had their 'family' situated in the actors birth place lmao). Brenda and Jorge decided to settle in Texas. They had all been separated aside from duos like Gally and Aris, Sonya and Harriet, and Minho with himself. But Newt was alone, and in an entirely different country.
The bell to the station dinged with arrival, and a deep hoarse voice sounded, My leg bounced, prepared to stand up.
"Who's here to see me?" the voice asked, it was him, I knew it.
A muffled voiced answered the question from outside the office glass doors "go see for yourself sir". Foot steps followed.
I looked down, not sure if I was ready to face someone I hadn't seen since I was 14 (Teen wolf S1 - S4 was before he disappeared also S3 didn't happen Allison and Aiden are dead tho, I am sorry but if you don't like it fight me, jk)
"Stiles? Oh, Your actually here?" The man from the door said with surprise, I knew to answer because I had been informed of my name and family prior.
"Hey, um Dad?" I responded testing the water of the title on my tongue.
"Oh my god Stiles! Can, Can I hug you?" My father asked, I'm not keen on much physical contact but I wanted to allow this.
"Yea dad" I responded and waited for him to initiate the hug, which was fast, he grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me, me being slightly taller than him now.
"Oh my God, what happened? Where have you been? are you ok?" questions spilled from his mouth.
"I-I'll tell you later, dad, can we please just, go... Home?" I wasn't sure if I could call it that.
"Of course" he opened the door and allowed me through, I just slight smiled at Parrish who was the first person to approach me with recognition when I arrived.
"Parrish, I'm off, your in charge" he nodded in understanding and with that we left, into the station car and off to an old home.
Arriving to the house was strange, It felt familiar yet completely unknown, like stepping into the Wicked building for the first time again. I gave my dad a small smile and went off to my old room which I found easily. I placed down my backpack, which contained the entirety of my minimal possessions, a few clothes from the FBI, Chucks figurine, the letter Newt wrote, and a gun with ammo plus a small defence knife other than that all I had was the shoes I was wearing, the socks and another tiny pocket knife I always carried, an old habit I had from the trials and safe haven.
The room was the same as the house, familiar yet unknown, homey yet not home, not yet.
I pulled out my new phone, to contact the one person to bring me familiarity, like this wasn't all some memory filled dream, concocted from the depths of my brain and formulated with spaces filled by imagination and hope.
ring... ring... ring
"Hey man what's up? How's the dad? and house?" Minho's voice filled the void, and bit of peace filled me.
"yea hey Min, He's good, a bit shell shocked I'm here but good, the house feels weird but I guess that's to be expected after the places we've been holed up and slept, how's everything for you?" a little whispered laugh followed.
"That's good then, you'll get used to it, and yea, my parents are nice, my dad's funny but my mum's kinda stoic, other than the excitement she showed when she first saw me again, my sister Kira was ecstatic to see me, she has way too much energy, the house is really nice, so I'm pretty good, Have you heard from... him?" Minho sounded happy with everything but his voice softened asking about Newt.
"No, not aside from him letting me know he'd landed and that his family is way too posh for him considering the way we lived" and I laughed a little trying not to convey the sadness I felt knowing we were separated.
"You heard from anyone else?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.
"I heard from Gally, Aris' family accepted him in with Aris so they have settled, Fry is happy to see his dad but apparently he wasn't to fazed about him turning back up, so he kinda wants to leave, Jorge also reached out, he and Brenda are loving Texas where they can shoot things and be wild but apparently Brenda is feeling homesick being away from everyone, but that's about it, You heard from anyone else?" Minho explained to Thomas, and he was happy everyone had settled, even if they all wanted to be together.
"I heard from Sonya, apparently she's enjoying Brooklyn, she was tracked back to no family but she was linked to some friends who apparently were like her family, and they knew Harriette? which was odd but they are enjoying themselves" Thomas was a little sad, they all seemed to settle so fast and here he was in a small town in California, yea he had Minho but he still felt so out of place, unsteady.
"I'm glad they are all enjoying themselves then, after everything they deserve it" Minho sounded hopeful.
"Yea, hey I have to go, I want to have the conversation with my dad before anything, and get it done sooner rather than later, but don't be a stranger hey?" I asked, I wasn't ready to tell him everything and relive it but he at least deserved to know some of it.
"Yea of course, we'll catch up soon, cya Tom" Minho responded
"Absolutely, Cya Min" and with that I hung up, heading downstairs to my dad.

Why not sooner (Newtmas)
FanfictionNewt and Thomas have been best friends since the maze along with Minho, they have finally made it to the town of Beacon hills after Thomas was told he had family there. Finally at peace, the Gladers are free to experience real teen life, even after...